I have had a rather uneventful 6 weeks since last updating my blog. Around the time of my last update it was rather hot and we went on a few trips to the local pool, including one particularly good trip which ended in a visit to the pub and getting pizza. We also had a girls night with Lisa where we introduced her to the Sex and the City movie!
Over Christmas the weather was rather dull and cloudy with cooler temperatures and a fair amount of rain. Not much different from summer in England really, although I don't mind as it's a lot nicer to work in those conditions. In the last couple of weeks the temperature has risen again and we have had some really hot days!
We have had a fair few new staff on the morning shift, mostly locals, and a new addition to the donga. A Swedish guy called Jon. He seems nice although he works on the afternoon shift so I haven't spent much time with him.
Before Christmas we managed to persuade Luke to take us on a day-trip to Toowoomba, the nearest big city. We had a really good day, with the main purpose of the visit to go to the cinema and watch 'New Moon', part of the Twlight Saga. I am now definitely a Twilight fan and enjoyed it much more than the first movie, which may have something to do with the fact that I have now read all the books, and loved them! We also got an indian take-away which was fantastic (we are missing our take-away food out here)!
I have also now tried traditional Scottish cuisine when Stacy made me 'stovies' for dinner one night. They are basically mince and tatties (potatoes) served with beetroot, which I really enjoyed.
Before Christmas the afternoon shift manager, Jason, a fellow "pom" left the farm. He had a rather eventful leaving do with a lot of drama involving most people on the farm, however Stacy and I kept out of it and, to be honest, I didn't enjoy the night very much. Things get very awkward here with the same people living, working and socialising together. As I'm sure you can imagine there are plenty of rumours flying around so it is very difficult to know the truth of what really happened and I am no longer interested in a lot of the goings on, it's much easier just to keep yourself to yourself, lending a sympathetic ear when required!
That same day we saw a red-bellied black poisonous snake in the dairy! A couple of the guys chased it out and de-capitated it with a spade. We then put the body in the footwell of the managers Ute. We were disappointed to find that he didn't react to it however the snake later appeared at Luke's house in his shoe which was rather amusing! It hasnt reappeared since so fingers crossed that's the last of it and it won't turn up at the donga!
The two boys, Henrik and Florian, came back to visit with Florians girlfriend Johanna the following week. It was lovely to see her again as we hadn't really spoken since leaving the training farm back in September! Fortunately she had had a less eventful experience than us and had enjoyed her job where she worked looking after 5 children for 10 weeks. We had a BBQ and drinks at the donga and later went over to Lisa's to enjoy singstar and some dancing in her living room! (With the absence of nightlife around here we have to create our own!)
The next day we moved into Lisa's house to house-sit and look after their kitten whilst she and Carl went home to New Zealand for 10 days. It was such luxury! So much more light and airy than the donga. Really comfortable with a huge TV, surround sound, playstation, dishwasher and the use of their car. There was also a landline there which meant Mom was able to call a few times over the 10 days. It was lovely, I didnt want to leave! But unfortunately all good things come to an end and we are now back in the donga. It doesnt actually feel like we ever left!
Our festive season was very unexciting. Lots of people were away and we worked through most of it, including Christmas day, but we got double time so it was worth it! It didn't feel much like Christmas, saying "Merry Christmas" to colleagues felt strange, although the weather was rather "English" with a dull cloudy sky and cool temperatures.
On Christmas Eve we played Monopoly and we spent Christmas afternoon watching TV and eating tasty treats. For our Christmas dinner we had chicken fajitas which were gorgeous, although not very traditional! I had a box of gifts from home containing a lot more than expected including pyjamas, underwear, toiletries and a USB stick. It was great to have presents to open and they are all very practical things that will come in handy! We also received a huge chocolate hamper from a brother and sister, Richard and Chanelle, who we work with. It was for the four of us - Stacy, Robyn, Dominik and I, but was still more than we could manage. (See facebook for a picture)! I had a good haul of Christmas cards from home, thanks to everyone who sent one over! I also spoke to Mom, Dad and Owain on the phone which was lovely, I don't think I'd spoken to Owain properly for 4 months! I received phone calls from both Sweni and Rupal too over the Christmas period, it was great to catch up and get all the news from home - thanks for calling guys!
Stacy and I asked for New Years Day off so that we could do something on New Years Eve. There weren't a lot of options so we decided to go to the local social club with a couple of colleagues. There wasn't much of an atmosphere or excitement, it just felt like a normal night at the pub. It was a little awkward for Stacy and I because, being such a small town, everyone knew everyone. We were introduced to a lot of people but decided to give up shortly after midnight, the prospect of going home to bed was far too appealing! Although it wasn't a very good night I was glad we tried it, we are certainly having a lot of interesting experiences here and a day off the next day was a good way to start 2010.
Lisa resigned last week and left the farm yesterday. We had a rather busy weekend with her official leaving do on the Friday which was just a trip to the pub. On Saturday evening we attended a rodeo which was very good but unfortunately torrential rain ruined it a little as we were totally unprepared and therefore got soaked and were rather cold! You'd think I'd know better coming from England?! After the rodeo we went to a colleagues BBQ which was, fortunately, in her garage so we managed to dry off a little! On Sunday Stacy and I went to the pub and got pizza with Lisa and Carl which was a nice way to say goodbye. It doesn't actually feel like they have left yet but I'm sure it will sink in over the next week. I am really going to miss both of them and our social life certainly won't be the same without Lisa!
In about 2 weeks time Stacy, Luke, Robin and Domink will also leave the farm! I have another 5 weeks to go as originally planned. Stacy has decided to leave the farm early because she is now going to do less travelling in Australia and go home earlier. I decided just after Christmas that I would really like to travel alone because this will give me complete freedom to do exactly as I like and I could really do with some space.
I will leave the farm on Friday 26th February and head to Brisbane where a group of us, including Lisa and Stacy will then attend Future Music Festival on Saturday 27th. After a few days in Brisbane where I am hoping to do some shopping and visit Australia Zoo with Stacy I will fly to Perth where the real fun and adventure will begin! I am spending about 2 weeks on the West Coast and am going to take a 7 day tour of the coast south of Perth, see this link for details: . I will then fly to Melbourne for 5 days, going on from there to Sydney, via Canberra.
Neal, Laura and Jess have all booked to come out here in March, May and June respectively. I am extremely excited about seeing them all and very flattered that they are willing to spend such a lot of money to come over. I am no longer intending to visit New Zealand while I am out here as the time of year, UK summer, is their winter so really isn't the best time to go! It would also put me on an extremely tight budget. By not visiting New Zealand I now have a lot more money to spend in Australia and am really looking forward to splashing out when my visitors arrive!!
I have arranged my flight home for 28th June so will arrive in London on 29th. I will have been away for almost 10 months by then, but my visa allows me to stay for 12. I am able to delay it again if I wish but at the moment I am expecting that I won't have much left to see or money left to spend by then so it is likely I will come home on that date.
I am extremely bored of work now, the job is so monotonous! I asked for work elsewhere on the farm so my manager moved me to the calf sheds. I was looking forward to a change and started yesterday. However my new position came to an abrupt end when I almost fainted from the heat and it was declared that I should go back to the dairy because it's only going to get hotter and my body obviously can't cope with it.
I managed to escape the dairy for 2 hours to help weigh some calves last week. They were being sold the next day and we just had to chase them up a lane, one by one, into a box that weighed them. I'm sure it would have become tedious had we had to do it all day but it was good for a change and a break from the monotony of milking!
I just can't wait to get travelling now!!
I will be without internet access from 30th January for 4 weeks when Stacy leaves the farm. I am able to receive calls from the UK cheaply on my UK number and you can txt me on both my Australian and UK phone numbers. I have only one phone for both SIM cards so it may take a while for me to receive any txts as I have to switch between the two. If you are planning to call please let me know by txt a few days in advance so we can arrange a good time! I will have internet access again when I reach Brisbane and start my travels.
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