It was a tight windy trip to Lanquin. We left Antigua at
8am with a packed breakfast from the hostel which ended up being moldy bread
sandwiches. Nice. It cost about $10 in minivan packed out with 15 people. I
think they think we are all as small as the Guatemalans so 9 hours later we
were well ready to get out of the van.
We stayed at a really nice lodge on the river called El Retiro in a little
bungalow which was perfect. When we arrived it was just in time for the usual
afternoon thunder storm so the offer to eat at the hostel was very welcome even
though it was over priced and only one thing to choose from. We were looking
forward to an early night.
Waking up after an amazing sleep in the beautiful surroundings we booked a tour
to see the caves and Semuc Champey. It was a full day tour for $22 each. It started
with a half hour 4WD truck drive to the entrance which was fun going through
the villages waving to all the little local kids.
We got to the caves we got changed in to just bathers and sneakers then the
guide gave us a candle and we followed him in to the cave. The water was pretty
chilly but still fun. We came to a waterfall which you could either climb up
with the rope or use the ladder next to it. The 2 girls that went before me
tried the rope and both slipped banging into the rocks so I gave it a miss and
just walked under the waterfall to the ladder. Junior gave it a go and flew
straight up there. Then we came to a part where you could climb up and jump off
into the water. Junior was keen as to do it but I was like no way, after a
couple of people jumped I had second thoughts so got in line to climb up. After
one guy struggled up and another girl slipped and cut her ankle which later
needed 6 stitches I chickened out again.
Once out of the caves it was time to go tubing. On the way there was a rope
swing into the flowing river. Junior went up first and made it look so easy. I
was too scared to do it at first but then Junior said it was the best swing he
had ever done so that got me up there and I loved it so much. The tubing was a
bit lame after out last tubing attempt but still nice to do.
After tubing it was finally time to check out Semuc Champey. We had to walk
across this 8mt high bridge to get there. Junior made a joke to guide about
jumping off and he was like yep sure you can if you jump from this bit here. He
didn’t need any more encouragement and the next thing I know he’s gone over the
rail and into the river. After that a few others from the group jumped as well.
Junior ended up doing it twice and said it was the best thing he had done all
day. No way was I going to do that. Why I’m such a chicken I will never know!!
Finally we made it into the Semuc Champey park. Firstly we climbed up the top
of the view point which was only about 15mins but felt like ages. The view of
the pools was absolutely breathtaking. Semuc are natural swimming pools which
cascade into about 8 separate swimming holes. We stared from one level and then
slid our way down which was so much fun. The last one was a natural slide it
was smooth and covered in moss except for the last rock which I clipped my bum
on and now have a beautiful black bruise. We have this running joke about
Juniors’ sun glasses. He’s had them for ages and they are all scratched but
we’ve said because we’re on a budget he can’t get new ones until his get broken
or lost which as much as he tries it never happens. So when he went down the slide
they fell off and he was happy because he thought they were finally gone. Then
10 minutes later when he comes over to help me get down the slide as I’m
chickening out again he looks down in to the water and because it’s so clear we
see sunnies. Ha ha. Not so lucky.
That was the end of a wonderful day, probably one of the best days on our trip.
On the way home in the back of the truck I couldn’t get the smile of my face.
In Lanquin there is another lodge called Zephyrs lodge and we found out that
Lionel Richie is a part owner so we had to check it out that night.
Unfortunately much to Juniors disappointment he was not in town.
We moved on the next day as Lanquin is so small doesn’t have cable TV and the
Celtics were playing in the semi final the next day we left for Flores which
was another long 7hour minivan trip.
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