Today we start our random decision back up north and away from our flight destination sure that we will work something out in the long run!
We are heading to a place called Napier, it is on the East coast and has the second highest amount of sunshine in all of NZ! So should make for a cool beach resort. A while ago there was a massive earthquake and it pretty much destroyed the whole town. So when the town was rebuilt it was the period known as Art Deco, this resulted in all the towns buildings being designed in a semetrical straight shaped exteriors reflecting this period! Even the church had this modern art deco design, walking around the town felt like you were on the set of a 70's movie!
Again there werent many stop on the way from Wellington, one stop we did make was to asacutary for Kiwis the NZ native bird although we didn't have long we still paid this little place a visit! The government has already taken over an island off NZ coast destroyed all animals that endange Kiwi birds lives and made this a special island for them to grow up on! It's ok for them as being a little simple they can't fly! But we felt we needed to see these little creatures and so paid the small amount. We ran around the park quickly to get to the nucternal hut, and there the two were wondering around looking a little stupid!! I took the best picture I could and we left feeling relief we had seen one at least and that we didn't need to worry bout seeing anymore!!
Once we arrived in Napier as usual we checked into our hostel, an advantage of Magic bus is when you board the bus in the morning they give you a choice of hostels and when you stop for bites to eat the driver rings up and ensures you have accomodation! Taking all the stress and hassel of walking around lost in towns & cities looking for somewhere to stay!
We chose Archie's backpackers, which was for sell made me think again about the possibilty of owning my own hostel?!? It was a nice little place not far from the beach. In our room we were reminded of how small the world was, a guy called Charlie had been a student at Canford Mangna!!
We went for a walk along the beach but I'm sorry it did not match upto our high standards, it was pebbley! It was a lovely day, well inbetween the down pours of rain but we are English and used to the rain! We found a lovely park and played on the swings and tried to decided our future plans.
Back at the hostel Hana cooked as usual an amazing meal, which with my growing appetitie was gone in seconds and seltted in for the night watching a bit of NZ Apprentice and a good old favourite film the .... "Bucket List"! Made me consider I really should write one, has anyone got any suggestions?? Or have you completed your list and now actioning the points?
Becki's Bucket List Begins ......
1st - Witness the Northen Lights
2nd - Do a voluntary project but not for my satifaction but to help others (this rules out animal projects!!)
3rd - Suggestions welcome..........
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