Hey Everyone the long awaited blog entry for Sayulita.
Some of you may already know what we got up to, we have been travelling some long journeys and havent had the free or access to internet. However that has changed i am now sat here again late at night in my shorts and t-shirt trying to cool down before bed!
We met some Candians in PV(we cant say Puerto Vallarta but have learnt that Mexicans use this abbriviation so we are fitting in well!) and they told us of this really cool surfer's paradise which was just a pound bus trip up the coast! Not ones to save a little cash and travel cheap we couldnt give up the opptunity to venture that way!
Venture we did, local bus all the way and more worrying still not have somewhere to stay when we arrived or even knowing if there was a hostel. It doesnt have a major mention in the Lonely Plant (our new bible) book so not mych prior reasearched made. However we kind of enjoyed the rush of not knowing! Knowing when to jump of the bus was interesting as we had no clue, little spanish and well there was no bus station in the this little place.
I can honestly say i am not the biggest fan of carrying my backpack in this lovely and gorgeous sunshine, and walking through the cobbled streets was creating just a tiny bit of sweat while searching for somewhere to stay!! We found a place thou, and not the best we have stayed but it was out of the sun and our backpacks were off!!
The normal beach side ritual of arrival began.... strip off all clothes, put on the bikini and shorts and head of to explore the surroundings!
Being lunchtime first mission was food, and there was no decision when i saw the Burrito stand and if i had my way the whole time spent in Sayulita i would of eaten there for every meal! Was a reason we nearly missed our bus home to PV but that was a bad topic as i got a little in trouble!!!
The beach was beautiful, the atmosphere so friendly and there were cool waves the ones you can play in and loads of surfers! The sand was black but had sparkles so it glistened in the sun light! As usual being so hot the only option... and no its not always to enjoy a cool beer its to run into the bath like water! As the waves crash the sand is kicked up which makes the sea glisten too, its like a fairytale sea!
Bouncing up and down in the waves, ducking under the big ones and sometimes catching the right one to body surf we laughed and chuckled we were definately happy we took the trip and gamble. Hana as usual got chatting to some American guys who were regular visitors, they knew everything about Sayulita and everyone who lived there. They introuduced us to Pollo (actually said poiyo i think!!) who was/is a professional surfer and when you watched him it was breathe taking, another guy could do some cool tricks on a board like head stands, 360 turns and backwards surfering.
We hung out with Andy & Dave, challenging to Bat and & Ball comps.. Yes Hana beat me 104 with Andy, Dave and i scored 102 not happy! We drank a lot of beer and headed to Plaza for some street party and met more friends. I indulged again in some more Tacos el Pastor bring my total to 8 by the end of the night.
The next morning feeling a little sorry for ourselves we met up with the guys again who took us off to a little local beach location to pracctice surfing. We had to trek through the wildness. It was well worth it! As the sunset we were given our first lessons and as you can see by the pictures it was magical, some great photography from Hana, not so by me thou! We did both make it up on the board but practice is definately needed, its not as easy as it looks! The trek back introuduced Hana & i to Fireflies, a creature i knew about but had never seen! The funny story however is i thought and so did Hana that we were seeing things, thought we were losing it and i though i was going to faint as they look like when you stand up really fast and you get silver dots in your vision. How glad were we after our education lesson!
In the evening we headed to a bar for a salsa evening, it was crazy random people would find a partner and just dance. Everyone was amazing i dont know how they know what to do. I was way out of my depth and after a heavy night the night before decide bed was the best option.
During our stay in our hostel we felt a little uneasy and as many warned trust your gut, so we were going to leave early until the Americans who were renting said they were looking after a place and was certain it would be fine to crash for one night, we jumped at the chance to stay one more night and to cost us nothing was a travelers dream! Neither of us ist so cheap or drunk that we join Casey in sleeping in the Hammock!
That ended our trip to Sayulita, we had an amazing time with Andy, Dave, Matt and Casey and if they read this i want to say a massive thank you for all your help and laughter it made our visit!
Our trip now continues to the South and East of Mexico, heading to another Surfers area called Puerto Escondido, we need to get a move on as time is running out and we have some crazy distances to cover!!
Goodbye for now
Loves Becki and Hannah xxxx
- comments
Kitty and we are looking at our first frost. At least its not rain now. It must be great to be in the sunshine. Enjoy the surf Kitty
laura i like this :] sounds like paradise! xxxxxxxxxxxx
Jilly Oh b***** off, you know your missing the puddles and frost!
Jilly This is outrageous, the computer censored me, are all civil liberties dead, or am I too be forced to learn a foreign language to insult you in peace!!!! Mummy
Kelly Having lost the link and getting error 404 have spent 30 mins finding another link. Hey my old computer skills are still here and we are back online. Rain has now stopped and we are now of Christmas shopping.
mum Hi, TIME WE HEARD FROM YOU!!, gran and grandad should be on line soon. XX