Hey guys, me again. Now that I have settled I am really wanting to find some adventure sports around here. I am also wanting to get out of the city - I love it, it's wonderful, but I need mountains and open space. I have been researching a little and found out that one of the top three rivers in Europe for white water rafting is only a couple of hours away. It is called Noguera Pallaresa and it is a high volume river(that means lots of water:) and it looks great! There is also good mountainering and rock climbing in the Pyranees Mountains which are just outside of Barcelona! I see what I want to do, but how to do it is aluding me. Pray that God would give me oportunities to get out in his creation more - I miss it. Also pray that while I am making all my plans, I would not forget to look for his plans for me first.
Love all, Mikahla
Mikahla Edeal
Hey Emma, thanks for the encouragement! I agree about appreciating home more after you have left. There are a lot of little things in life that you just come to expect and eventually you start to take them for granted, but when you leave and those things are gone you see just how important they really are. I definately have to come visit you guys! I am planning on comming up for Christmas I think - that would be awesome!
Dad - I'll be praying that you get good rest this weekend! Love you! You too Emma!
P.S. posted new journal:)
Hey cuz!
Read your last message on the bord...and I know the feeling that you descirbed. I've only been away from home and completely on my own for three months in a country where it's hard making one self understood, but I do recognize the "missing" feeling you descirbed. It gets better. The first few weeks are the hardest. Once you get a hang of life in the new place and meet people to hang out with, time just starts to go in hyper speed and before you know it you're off to the next place. And even though you already know how great home is, you have to be away from home to really (REALLY) appreciate it...And try to remeber; family is closer than you think...only a 4 hour plane ride away - heading north =D
I'm real tired so I hope this makes since. I just finished a busy counseling week and I'm exhausted, but satisfied with the work week. It sure is great to love my work and really look forward to going, but it's also good to be done with the week and able to take a deep breath, get some rest and start all over again next week. I really enjoy reading your notes. You are a great writer. Gotta go and get some sleep. See you later (wish I could!!!!!!!!) I mean, talk to you later. We got to get our cameras going so we can see each other. Love you, Dad
Whoa, That was deep. You have such a way of expressing your self, amazing. I am glad you miss all of us (we miss you too), but also glad that you had the strength to go. This is good for you, live it up and don't feel badly for leaving. Not that you do, but something was going on in your head on that last post. Maybe who knows? Oh well, thats me trying to be deep (and for the whole world, hi all). That one is for you Kahleen ;) Oh look I just made a face like all the cool kids in technology land!
Is the timer in your time? I think you Dad said that in another post, but I don't really know. If it is in our time you just wrote, so hi to you.
I guess I am just blabbering, so have a good day, night, or whatever it is now for you. Have fun, Love Camille
Mikahla Edeal
I keep a small moleskin notebook in my purse always - in case i feel inspired. I got it out today and read some of the entries. I had it with me the day I left my country and my family. This is what I wrote on the plane;
I've only just began to realize what I've done. I have exiled myself from a home I love and abandoned my family and friends leaving myself alone in the process. Nine months. That's a long time - I've just realized how long. I hadn't really thought about it before - maybe because I knew if I did I wouldn't go and I knew I needed to. For some indescribable reason I have always known I needed to go. God has blessed me with everything I need - a beautiful place to live, wonderful friends, and an amazing family - and yet I need more. Sometimes I wish it was enough. That I could be satisfied with what I have, but if I was, I would never have had all of the adventures that I have and that would be a shame. Maybe someday I will find a place I can stay forever, a thing I could do everyday, and a person who could hold my interest for the rest of my life, but until that day I will continue to roam.
I miss them so much and I have only just left them. It has been barely hours since I saw them, since I was in their pressence, but that's hours too long. I feel sick to my stomach I miss them so much, I almost want to turn around right now and just go back to them. If I was only going to be gone a week or a month I don't think I'd miss them so much. Somehow just knowing that I wont be able to see them for almost a year makes me miss them more. I barely cried saying goodbye to Camille, I cried a little on the phone to my grandma, and I wouldn't let myself cry at the security gate in the airport when I left my family. I should have cried. I should have hugged them longer. Though I know that no matter how long I had hugged my mother, my father, and my sister I would still be sitting here longing to do it again.
Michelle Penney
Wow back in the sadle again. i would llove to be somewhere else right about now. i am glade you are living out your dream. classes are the same. time is non-existant. but i am sure you know all that. well have a great day! i have to get back to classes. just now that you are loved. :)
Hey Papi, I am awake now! I was actually walking to school when you posted your message! I checked it before I left this morning and it wasn´t there and now here it is! This whole time change thing is crazy! I wirte messages in the afternoon when all you guys are sleeping and then I have to wait - I guess it´s the same for you. I don´t know about the chat thing - you could get a myspace it´s free, but I am sure there are other ways to chat online. There are probably millions I just have to find one. I am going to look this evening for a chat room that´s free that anyone can use. Then I could schedule a couple times a week that I would for sure be online and if anyone wanted to come and chat with me they could do it then and we could all chat together. It would be a great way to catch up and talk.
I got to go to class - love you!
It's 12:09 AM, Of course you knew that. I just finished playing cribbage and checking all the e-mail, Jordan's Atlanta Falcons page, your site, eBaums' world and NHRA. Can we chat on a site. Do I have to get a my space to do so and if so, how do I accomplish that? Let me know, love, Dad. Come on, I know you're awake, speak to me. Well I guess I'll just have to check this site in the morning. Tah, Tah for now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Girly!
Going through the emails and ran across yours...Wow how absolutely wonderful!!! Your descriptions make me smile and cry at the same time! I just got in from Illinois and one night while I was there, I fell asleep to the beautiful sound of rain and the visual of smacks of lightening in the sky through the bedroom curtains. Your apartment/room, sound just perfect, the library, so european(mediteraenean?) and old world! Well, I hope you always win at the "what don't I need" game. Is'nt it wonderful to be able to weave our Saviors principals and blessing into everything we think do or say, to just know He has an absolute purpose for everything!
Well, I best close- have a grand time while you are away!
His banner over us is Love, so love well. Bev
Hey, I just read about your time at the library. Sounds great. I'm off to work in a hurry, but please don't forget to tell me about the Zambezi river. I heard a little, but not the whole story. I love you, Dad
Great journal message. I will be praying for this situation and I agree with you that it is not an accident. If God can speak through a donkey, He can use any form of communicating His truth.
It is so exciting to see how God is leading you. As it says in Psalms 139, "...before I was created in my mothers womb, He knew the days that were ordained for me." Living out God's plan for our life will seldom be dull or boring if we just pay close attention to Him. Even the trials have a good ending when we get His perspective. I was thinking of your dissapointment over those money issues this summer and it is so exciting to see how you turned that around (with His help of course) to a positive experience in the adventure of how to currently manage your money. How's the money situation going??? Don't forget, it's ok to ask us for help. We are part of His plan.
Thanks for your encouraging note of gratitude for Mom and I. Sometimes we parents wonder if we are loving you as God would have us do. We love you and Roni so much and we try to remember to check in with God often to know how to parent. I like this new stage of parenting, being more an equal with you (adult to adult) is really exciting, but sometimes hard to keep it adult to adult. I know we still drop back to treating you both like little girls, but it can get confusing for parents. Well, it's beginning to sound like a parenting lecture, so I'll close for now. Oh yah, Mike Borden needs our prayers, his appendix burst and he almost died. He's still in the hospital with infection, but in recovery. I love you, Dad