We had an over night stay In HCMC to collect our laundry amongst other things. As we had eaten nothing all day on the bus ride we treated ourselves to a proper restaurant- we choose this Korean place as neither of us had eaten korean food before so we thought is would be a nice change and they had a good vegi menu for Roo. the place seemed quite smart- Roo and I rock up in sweaty clothes, wild hair- probably not smelling too fresh. We ordered our food the things started arriving- not what we ordered, it quickly became apparent we didn't have a clue how to eat this meal- the staff did try to show us what to do but gave up in the end! Anyway we managed to eat it all one way or another and it was very tasty!
The next morning over confident from our local bus experience the day before we decided we'd try it again getting to mui ne as the tourist busses were full. We made our way to the bus station and were initially told there was no bus today- seemed highly unlikely as it's the Saturday of Tet (Chinese new yr)- the bus station was rammed- Everyone was getting away home for the celebration. I asked again same woman 10 mins later and magically there was a bus leaving now, off we scurried. Well we though yesterday's bus was bad- this was even worse! Both of us are luck enough to have lovely long legs * bad news on vietnamese busses*. I was sat next to this girl who was actually laughing at the length of my legs- they were twice as long as hers and she struggled to get in to the seat. We contorted our selves in to position, how bad could it be?! Well, the chap kept squashing people on to the bus we counted 32 people plus holiday luggage on a 22 seated mini bus! There was barely enough space a breath, there were 3 people rammed on each seat, plus people in the middle asle sitting on luggage. There was no air con so the windows were open the whole 200k journey- remember the scene from Bridget jones when she is in the open topped car- nothing compared to the nests which had developed on our heads! The journey was unrelenting and the heat was stifling. One guy had the right strategy got on the bus- clearly absolutely stoned- sat down spread himself diagonally legs over someone, head on another and fell asleep for hrs, the guy was so battered they started piling him with bags, people sitting on him, climbing over him, he didn't have a clue!
The journey was long- the traffic was rammed. We were stuck in a huge que for hrs!
We finally arrived at Pham Thiet and just had to get the short 15k to Mui Ne. 2 White girls clearly with no clue where to go- a field day for local scam artists. Roo got super tough- refused to get in the taxi and insisted we walked to the next bus stop. It was about 35o and 2.30pm- not the best time of day to be walking fully loaded after 6 hrs on a bus! Eventually a local bus picked us up and took us to the bus station for free, where we persuaded a bus driver to take the 2 of us to our final destination- for a bargainous 20000vnd (70p)! Mui Ne is lovely a beach resort type place, a kite surfing Mecca.
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