Day 2 of our Mekong delta tour. We visited the floating markets- over 100 boats selling wholesale fruit and veg. To me it all looked pretty chaotic! There were boats selling everything, in order to know who was selling what they would string up from their mast a sample of the produce. We took a leisurely trip down some of the smaller rivers. We stopped at a fruit farm and tried loads of different tropical fruits fresh from the tree. We had guava- yes off of um-bongo! Looks just like an apple until you open it up. Another apple looking thing with White milky flesh and big black stones- my fav! And jack fruit a big massive( larger than a big watermelon) with spiky skin that has segments like pineapple chunks inside- Roos fav! We arrived back on shore to take our transfer to the next stop. There were 6 of us all had been promised private transfers squeezed with all our luggage into a 5 seater car with no boot. We had just enough space to breathe, far from
Comfortable but just bearable. Or at least it was until the driver stopped to collect one of his mates plus luggage! We tried to resist and tell him the car was full, then he turned quite aggressive and pulled a guy form the car, squeezed his mate in the forced the chap back in literally having to ram the door shut! This ride only lasted 30mins before we were put on a larger coach, slightly more comfortable- but the driver would not allow us westerners to put our luggage in the hold- local luggage only?! Fortunately my panniers fit in the over head shelf and we only needed Roos bag under our feet!! The following day we got up early to take the boat to Phu Quoc a small island 2.5hrs from Rach Gia. Roo or I are not the best when it comes to sea travel, the trip was not made any easier by a film of 2 girls being kidnapped whilst on holiday, being shown on the ferry. The trip was made worth while on arrival at the island. it was a tropical paradise! Long White sandy beach perfectly flat green sea. We found a guest house on the sea front and headed for the beach. It would seem we had arrived at some kind of honeymoon retreat or couple heaven! great -a perfect romantic beach to share with my little sis!! All the tables in the cafe's set for 2- we had picked up a Canadian girl along the way so no good for the 3 of us!! We found a shady spot under a tree and sunbathed before treating ourselves to a foot and body massage for less than 3quid! I also had my legs threaded- a less than enjoyable experience!! We enjoyed the sunset with our cocktails, then decided it was a great idea to walk down the dark beach- tide in, over the rocks to the next bar for dinner. No problem on the way there but after some wine the way back was treacherous! But who would be the first to faulter??? Yes of course it was me! I had my phone in my bag- and we all know how much I like to chuck my phone it to water!!! Thankfully no harm, damage or injury done- except to my pride! Slightly soggy and feeling a little stupid we giggled our way back more carefully!
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