Early start again as we wanted to visit the waterfall, one of the main attractions in luangprobang. After enjoying our breakfast we hit up the streets of luangprobang to find a tuck tuck! Luckily we found another group of people who were heading to the same place, so headed up with them. After an hours trip to the waterfall you first go through a bear sanctuary, where bears who have previously been kept in unthinkable conditions are rescued and put with other bears. After watching and arr'ing at the bears we noticed they did a strange little dance, where they hop from side to side and then up and round. After asking one of the guards why they did it, it was because of the small combined spaces they were in previously, and they just can't get out of a habit of doing it. We then walked for a further 5minutes, to find the start of the luxurious water fall. Walking a little bit further up we saw a tree hanging off the side of the pools, and as we are now full time adrenaline junkies we knew what we had to do. One by one we climbed up the tree and got the others to capture the perfect moment of us junmping off! The perfect postcard moment! Within the same pool as the tree was a waterfall. While everyone else was jumping off the tree, us girls thought why not show them what we are really made of, and jumped off there. Again while one stayed behind and captured the 'perfect picture'. Walking further we found an even bigger waterfall, which again was beautiful. We all got our best poses out and stood in front of the backdrop. It was then another trek to the top of the waterfall, but yet again the 3 blondes had only brought flip flops! So with another difficult walk to the top, we made it! Another beautiful view from the very top of the waterfall, looking out over the waterfall below. We then headed back to our tuck tuck and back to luangprobang. Arriving back at central backpackers, we got talking to some fellow travellers who said the nightlife was okay around here, with a few good bars, however they close at 11pm, after this everyone heads to the local bowling alley as it's the only place that stays open later than 11. As we headed back to the room we hit up the shower and dug out the hair dryer and straighteners. They only come out on special occasions, and as it was party bowling we thought why not! As we were all dolled up, we headed to our trusty street food lady and enjoyed her amazing noodle soup before heading out to the night market, grabbing a few souvenirs. It was the. A tuck tuck to a little bar called utophia. As we walked down towards the bar we bumped into toe lads from Denmark, Ricko and Mathias who suggested we went to a bar called hive first. After a strawberry daiquiris and a few beer Lao we then grabbed a tuck tuck, filled with about 10 other people, then out popped 50/50 (Kelly's cutie).
Pilling out of the tuck tuck we headed in. First at hitting up the bowling alley was Kelly, who we can all safely say was terrible, ending up with a minor score of 24! Next up was Ricko, who was the most competitive, and came out of the game with 100+. Georgie and Charlotte were neck and neck the whole game, but Charlie managed to sneak in a cheeky strike and a spare in the last bowl! Then we have Mathias, who was a clear sore looser who came just behind Georgie and Charlotte! As the game drew to a close we headed over to a tablet and recruited more team members to play finger cup and flippy cup, two well known drinking games for travellers! As the bowling alley closed we headed outside to catch a tuck tuck, only to find there wasn't any! So it was grab a local and head back on their mopeds!
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