happy birthday to you happy birthday to you you look like a monkey and you smell like one too! have a fantastic day we love you! love jan, mark, hayley, grant, peter, sophie, brandon, lola rae and giz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kevin Angela & Phil
Hya,just had a look at your photos, they are amazing.Hope you are enjoying youselves in NZ. Take care and enjoy.LOL Angela xxxx
disregard first paragraph, not always got this blog messaging taped.Then I am 64 next birthday Love Gran xxxxx
missing all your updates on the blog! How are you enjoying your campervan i believe its qIkeep surfuite smart,also whats N Z like.
I'm missing your updates on the blog! How are you enjoying N Z? I believe your campervan is very smart and almost new!.Well I will keep surfing the net and hope it want be long before you update with news and photo's .Love you both lots take care .Gran&Grandad xxxxxxxxxxxx
Auntie Liz
Soz, missed the K off new - its the wine!! Mum - only joking!
Auntie Liz
Hiya you two
Don't want to make you jealous but Degs, Eva and me are off to Anglesey next week! The turtles and sharks are soooo much bigger there.
Your photo's are brill, we really enjoy looking at them. The sunrise ones sent a chill down my spine.
You are educating me, I never new where pineapples came from, I thought they grew on trees!
Take care you to, love to you both
Liz, Derek, Will, Ben, Eva & Sarah
Claire Ferguson
Hi to you both. Its ages since I've had chance to look at all your pics. They're as fab as ever. It's funny seeing you both in all the places that me and Craig went to. Hope you're having a great time
lots of love Claire
hello antie corinne antie hayley showed me the pictures of the sharks did they eat wolfie all up for there dinner!?
recieved your post card today ! Did you drag Wolfie off the nudist beach shouting and screaming? enjoy N.Z keep sending the photo's I search every day to see whats on the lap top ugs & kisses Grandma & Grandad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
just read your blog! what a boring life we live here in poynton! glad to see you have not bumped Bendo off love grandma xxxxxx
have escaped from hospital & now home! op went well & Iwill soon be joining a tap dancing class .Just being up dating your blog the sea life zoo is amazing! We can not believe you have been gone 2 months ,the time has gone so quickly ,before we know you will be back home.Grandad s fine and looking after me very well ,dont think it will last too long before he gets fed up and disappears off .love you lots xxxxxxx
Katie Harney
Hi you two ! Hope you are both well and taking care of each other ! Glad to see you are having a fab time on your travels, like your photos they look cool ! Missing you lots and lots ! Me and Paul move out soon and are very excited wish you were here to see it but dont worry i will have a large glass of wine for you both and when you get back you can pop round for tea ! take care and see you in 10mths !! xxxx