Hya, just had a look at your latest photos, they are wonderful, it looks amazing in Las Vegas. Have fun on your travels. LOL Angela Kevin and Phil xxx
Thankyou for our post card from las vegas it sounds mind blowing, you must be having the time of your lives in the U.S.A.You have been to some amazing places, andcon not wait to see your up date of photo's
We are all fine Brandon and
Lola are quite funny now, Lola is spell bound with him but all Brandon wants to do is sit on grandma knee,to stop her sitting on your mums knee
love you lots gran xxxxxxx
Hiya you too - just discovered your web site - its hard for us old folks!!
Looks awesome - you should be getting a fee from the canadian and US tourist boards. Keep well and happy travelling
Kevin, Angela & Phil
hi guys finally found the travel blog link on facebook (its taken me a while yes!) sounds like you're havin a fab time was readin about your time in vegas made me v jelous love the place! am lovin bendo too! have fun look after each other nat x
Hot dog, jumping frog, Alberqueque! Remember that? Thank you for our anniversary card - Love Mum and Dad xxxxx
Hiya, so glad you drove down Route 66, Ross was watching DVD of Cars and was desperate to ask you if you would be going on it during your tour! Question answered, Thanks, Take care, love M x
Hiya have only just discovered your website, what took me so long? Sounds like you are having an awesome time. We are going to be off every weekend when you are here so should be able to pspend some quality time together. Am currently ordering the red carpet for your arrival. See you soooon.
Love gem xxxxxx
and andy of course xxxxxx
Lola Rae
hello antie corinne just writing to let you know how clever I am I can sit up all on my own now and ive got six teeth now too. im much better at eating food now i dont start being silly and gagging and grandma made me fish pie which is my favourite! hope your eating lots of nice food too. can you send me a hoodie please mummy keeps putting me in girly cardies! love you xxx
i hope you are having a nice time. I'm missing you, mum will send you an email. i got a dalek for easter from Mark. happy easter love Ross
poor little Bendo,what have you done to him throwing him over niagara falls ,that not funny
HAPPY EASTER Corinne and wolfie .Your photo's were great of the Niagara falls .What an amazing site the falls are!and all that snow too .What have you done with Bendo? we have not seen him for day's .we are fine ,liz and derek are in Buapest and peter sophie and Brandon have gone to Ireland to see Sophie's brother .Oh yes Eva has gone with school to France skieing not sure on the spelling love you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
HAPPY EASTER love to you both love mum dad hayley grant lola rae peter sophie brandon and giz! mum and dad are at jill's for the weekend so we have got our shorts and t shirts on cause the heatings on full 24/7!! haha