hello antie corinne and uncle wolfie i wish you were here for my birthday party but i'll get mummy to send you some pictures so you can see me being a good girl love you xxx
Hiya you two - long time no speak! Luv the photo's. You look like you are having a fab time. How are you finding working in Oz? Not quite the same as the daily grind here in Blighty I would imagine! Lloydies are on the move to Whitby tomorrow, not quite the same as your journey but hey, great fish and chips. Everything with us is good, Ben has a job, car and wears a shirt and tie, who'd have thought it! He has a job in an IT call centre, yes you heard right the boy who mumbles!! He still does with us though - we get on his nerves (apparently!!)
Take care and luv to you both
The Lloydies
hiya - just been looking at the latest photo's of Fiji - looks FAB
Take care, love and kisses mum and dad xxxxxxxx
hey you two! sounds like you are having an amazing time, will be thinking of you when we're in newquay next week hehe xxxx
safe journey to Sydney Looking foreword to all your up dating on your adventures in Fiji!!!! Good luck with your jobs in Melbourne love to you both xxxxxx
hi you two.5ooo miles!!!!you sure got value out of that campervan.Your photos are brilliant,i liked the boulders-very strange.Grandma got good report from consultant today.
Elaine And Jennie Evans
Hi Corrinne and Wolfie
All I can say is what a great adventure you seem to be having and what stories to tell in your years ahead.
Love and best wishes Everyone at Poynton St John Ambulance
just been enjoying looking at your latest photo's .we can not believe wolfie was dangled at the end of that rope!! well done wolfie ,but dont you dare bungee jump corinne! are you enjoying touring in your campe r and going any where you want glad to see brando is still with you and enjoying touring
Hey guys, first time i've had to catch up and the first time my computer would let me! You both look like your having a great time, you've done so much already! Pics are amazing. Meeting Gerry Lopez must come a close second to the wedding day being the best day ever eh!! Hope married life is treating you both well, keep on truckin'! Just got back from a surf trip to croyde, well needed. Got the postcard from Hawaii, definitely jealous! Won't leave it so long next time! Stu
Did ou get our E Mail wishing Wolfie Happy Birthday? Thanks for your E Mail to day. Lovely hearing all about your travels in your campervan and you are having a ball in N Z ,say hello to Gemma and Andrew Hugs and kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nadia Marth
hiya!!!how aye you ?just been looking ur picture you look so gerogus......miss ya lots NADIA MARTH
Congratulations on your sky dive!!you are very brave!Did Bendo jump with you? Missing all the updates on your blog, plus photo's Keep having an amazing adventure.Take care lots of lovexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx