hey found this blog and had a few questions for you? like how your getting from place to place and what your doing while your there? i found the blog looking for information on an organic farming thing called wolfy or something like that ever heard of it? im trying to plan a world trip with a friend of mine thats why im asking and maybe you have some tips for me? thanks
Hi Corinne
this is your Dad speaking (via mum) Missing you
Love you lots Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy new year Mr and Mrs Wolfendale! Thanks for your cards over the last month or so. I have no retrun address! Hope you are both having a fantactic time (still!).
Happy New Year ! hope you had a fab time in sydney ,managed to see about 5 mins of the firework display on the T.V. lots of love to you both .roll on Feb and seeing you again grandma and grandadxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Guys
Happy New Year - looking forward to seeing you both
Lots of love Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxx
Angela Hope
Hya, Hope you are both good and enjoying your travels. Merry Christmas and A Happpy New Year too. Have a wonderful time.Lots of love and hugs Angela Kevin Gemma and Phil xxxx
Hi Corinne and Wolfie
We're back in cyberspace now we've got our new computer. Hope you are going to update your photo's soon. Make sure you put some of Siany on. We've just seen Bendo in an advert on TV - is he moonlighting? Take care, love Mum and Dad
don't believe you ! you have done something nasty to poor old Bendo.Are you enjoying the warm weather, if so send some over here.love you xxxxxxxx
Happy 1 year anniversary Mr and Mrs Wolfendale! I can't believe it is 1 year already!
hiya !! corrine dis msg onli from chris she said ya HELLO and sayn hw ya n hw gvn on ........
Liz, Derek & Co
Hiya you two. Just looking at photo's of your 'pad' it looks fab but I must say Corinne your unpacking room looks a mess, bit like Eva's bedroom. Did you got lost and found yourself in the kitchen oooh what to do? Did Wolfie explain all the equipment to you ie washing machine, cooker etc. Your mum says you have become quite domesticated, look out Wolfie you have a rival!! Not seen much of Bendo, we want to see more of him! Missing you both loads and look forward to your next blog/photo's.
Take care and love to you both
Liz, Derek, Will, Ben & Eva xxx
Nadia Marth
hiya corinne how are you reali miss u loads and thx ur post card raeli nice thou .......hwz ur new job wid children ...ok wish ya happy luck !!! bye xxxxx