The sun was shinning for the beginning of our 20th month on the road; we left the car at the campsite and took the short bus ride into the city. We had a look around the CBD first, the decorations, the shops and found some where to have lunch. We went into the botanical gardens early afternoon and made our way through there to the Australian wine centre taking in the exhibition and then had some tasting with complimentary bread and oils.
We walked back though the city to the central markets taking advantage of the cheap fruit and veg before visiting the Haighs chocolates factory with its viewing area watching all the workers preparing and making chocolates. We left with our bargain reject chocolate and made for the Glenelg tram. We spent and hour or so walking around and had a drink at one of the beach front bars before heading back to the campsite which was a 5k walk as the buses were very irregular at that time of the evening, Corinne moaned a little on the way back wanting the campsite to be around the next corner.
On the Wednesday we left Adelaide heading first north to Port Augusta before then turning south to Port Lincoln stopping on the way for some lunch at the Arid Botanical Gardens. We arrived in Port Lincoln early evening and put the tent up watching the Galahs with the chicks around the part. Once the sun set we were in bed early ready for the shark adventure the next day.
After a rough nights sleep with the tent getting blown about in the wind we were on a bit of a rush on the morning of Thursday 3rd December to make it to the harbour for our boat the calypso star. Lucky enough we had pre-empted the sea sickness and prepared from the night before so we were happily eating and enjoying the views whilst others weren’t so lucky in the rolling seas. We passed a pod of dolphins on the way out to the Neptune Islands some 16 miles out to sea were it was a little calmer in the sheltered bays were the fur seals and there pups sat amongst the rocks.
The guys on the boat started chumming and baiting the water, pushing the cage in preparing for the sharks arrival. The food kept coming and people were talking, sleeping and moving around the deck and up onto the bridge. The hours passed by and the waters grew calmer but still no sharks. It was eventually time to pack up and we left disappointed but as we know with nature its something that can’t be planned for or predicted it’s not a zoo or a circus you can only try. We did however on the way back after passing 2 pods of dolphins get in the water for a swim with some Australian sea lions in a small sheltered bay on the main land they were awesome so cool and graceful underwater. A fat bloke on the trip upset one of the daddy ones on the beach which charged at us.
Back at the harbour we retraced the walk back to the campsite and showered falling to sleep early all that fresh sea air does that to you. On Friday we left and drove back to Port Augusta ready for our journey into the Outback through the red centre of Australia.
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