Wellington - Capital city of New Zealand and WaikanaeFriday 6th June - Monday 9th June Once again another day (Friday 6th June) started off with a trip to the garage but not before we got some compensation for the fact it was the day we'd be losing out on. Our grey water tank had been leaking with some campsite owners being a little disgruntled it was a quick fix problem apparently a regular one that Maui fail to fix. Once back on our way we pulled the LOTR book out and headed off to find some off the film locations. The first was in the 'Kaitoke National Park' which was transformed into Rivendell where the first lot of elves live in the first film. They built a whole set there including a fake waterfall.A little further down the road was one of the river scenes shot were they are paddling the boats on the Fellowship. The Final stop of the day was a normal playing park in a suburb that was used for Isengard (were the white wizard lives) when you see the stills from the film its crazy to link them up. We had a little drive around the south side of Wellington before getting changed as we were invited round to tea at friends of Gemma and Andy's (thanks very much again to Jamie and Jill for the hospitality and having us stay over, and for using the beach house). We had some very nice venison and salad along with lots of wines. We ended up staying over in a proper bed soooooo nice and room to stretch out.Saturday 7th June started off with a great cooked breakfast (thanks Jamie) before Wolfie took Andy off for a surf in Llayl bay not far from the house. It was great and Andy stood up for the first time and Wolfie caught one of those waves you remember forever. Once back at the house we went for a drive stopping first at the ship used in the New King Kong film and then onto the WETA cave, a shop/mini museum attached to the WETA workshop the special effects/costume/accessories film company. They made all the bits and sets used in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the chronicles of the Narnia films and King Kong to mention but a few. We were very lucky as it had only opened the previous day they had Gimli's axes, full size Elf armour, orcs and all sorts of other cool things.Next stop was Mt Victoria and after much searching we found the tree that the hobbits hid under on the Fellowship and the 'tree alley' from the get off the road part. Jamie and Jill knew off a killer pie shop and it was by the far the nicest that we'd had in 3 months. We dropped everyone off for the Rugby game and went for a look around the Te Papa museum which had some very cool exhibits including an earthquake simulator. The weather was awful and we were kind of glad not to be at the game taking it in back at the Irish bar instead. We stayed the night again at Jamie and Jill's having cheese on toast when they got back from the game. Sunday (8th June) was Market day and we got some really cheap fruit and veg and what turned out to be off fish. After a look at the view from the top of Mt Victoria we met up with Gemma and Andy to head off to the beach house at Waikanae. After saying goodbye and thank you to Jamie and Jill we drove the hour up the coast, arriving after Gemma and Andy because we had a cheeky stop at KFC which Gemma and Andy then decided to go and get one.Jamie and Jill co-own this cool little beach house complete with log burning fire stove, Wolfie and Andy got to chop up wood. After a walk on the beach we watched movies, drank wine and chilled out. Corinne made soup and then we had some sushi (homemade). Thanks for a great weekend Gemma and Andy, we had fun!Our last half day on the north island started with some breakfast and then some farewells before driving back into Wellington to get the voucher printed off for the ferry across to the south island. After a mad dash we arrived at the terminal which felt just like going off to France and we were soon aboard. The crossing was great and not rough at all; we soon arrived in Picton and opened some more of the wine from the bike tour.
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