Sunday 4th May
We hit the airport and checked in for our Quantas flight to Auckland, New Zealand. We found seats and the plane took off at around 10amish. The airplane was great and very comfortably and food very nice. Some good movies and a little sleep later we crossed the ILD - International Date Line (we've lost a day so at some point need to go the other way back to get one back). So basically after a 10 hour flight to Sydney and a quick walk to the other plane a 3 ½ flight to Auckland we arrived locally at 1am Tuesday 6th may weird.
Wheres monday 5th May?????
Tuesday 6th May
One maybe two words for today JET-LAGGED that weird flight from Hawaii b*****ed us up a little. We had a walk around town after brekfast if you can really call it that cause Auckland doesn't really have a center of distinction, but there were some shops and we soon found ourway to the harbour area.Wolfie booked his AJ Hackett bridge bungy for the thrusday and we wondered around in that floaty type daze. Arriving at the seafood market we also booked a seafood cookery lesson for the following evening. Tired we arrived back at the hostel and booked yet more fun things to do like skydive, black water rafting and sea kayaking all for our time in New Zealand . Pretty soon despite the eagerness to stay awake and fight throught the jet lag we were flat out in bed.
Wednesday 7th April
With a bit more get up and go today we went for a walk away from the harbour up the hill past the town hall and graduating studentsand onto 'K' road and its funky shops at one end and seedy places at the olther. We had a look around the funky shops selling 2nd hand hippy clothes, modern clothes shops and all kinds off places. We bought a few bits and avoid the seedy parts.
Afterwards we treked back to the hostel and got ready for the cooking lesson having another jet-lag moment nearly falling asleep in the room. Once out and in the freshair it was all good though and we walked back to the harbour and the Auckland Fish market and went upstairs to the seafood school. We booked in and got some beer and wine and took our seats in the lesson room. We met our chef who took us through the dishes that we would be cooking;
*North African spiced mussels
*Snapper Tacos with roasted red pepper aioli
*bbq grilled calamari with olive oil, lemon and an italian tomato sauce
After the lesson we went into the kitchen and we were paired up with another couple and got down to some cooking, wolfie prepared a whole fresh squid, removed the mini crabs (that are crunchy and live in the mussels) from the mussels and cooked the snapper. Corinne made the aioli sauce and made the spicy tomato sauce. After cooking we got to sit down and eat the food with a complimentry glass off wine. We had a nice chat with the other couple and afterwards walked back to the hostel.
Thursday 8th April
We started the day off with some food and general shopping very early to fit it in before the bungy jump, managing to carry 6 heavy bags about a mile and a half to the hostel. Afterwards we went back to the harbour for the pickup to take us to the Auckalnd bridge for wolfie to do his bungy jump. Once we got there wolfie got his jumping harness on and corinne her spectator harness on and we walked up the bridge to the jump pod.
The guys decided that wolfie would go first so he took the hotseat and got strapped in and hopped pff and edged towards the platform, inching along the jump board till you feet are over the edge and on the count of 3 jumped. (it was amazing) After 3 bounces it was time to pull the cord and up right was winched back to the pod. Back at the hut wolfie got a certificate, DVD and free t-shirt.
We got some lunch we another girl who was doing the jump on her own and after saying goodbye jumped a ferry over to Davenport which is a suburb of Auckland. We spent a little time looking around, had a hot chocloate and milkshake before getting the ferry back and sorting out are belongings for the CAMPERVAN ADVENTURE!!!!!!!!!
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