Myself and Steve had planned to get the 7.30am train, but given the previous nights antics this was never going to happen. It had been Anthony's last night and we ensured he was going to be sent home in style!! I say that but I got a message from him later in day and turned out he had overslept and missed his flight home!! haha, brilliant, he had to fork out 400 pounds for a new one home the next day, now that is going out in style................. Finally dragged myself out the pit and managed to get a taxi to station and on the 2.55pm train. Train was empty so lounged out accross the wooden seats and had a snooze on the way there. 2-3 hour later we had bowled up at Kanchanaburi, our destination. Got a cylcle rickshaw to a local guest house and was really nice with big garden setting overlooking a lake. Thtat evening I felt proepr ropey and ordered dinner only to not eat it and ended up in bed at 8pm. Really was feeling sick and whole room was spinning out, decided I must have Malaria although Steve reckons I had just caught gay (blame the ladyboy for that, although is it gay??? Let you be judge of that, hold the bus off on a tanagent here, not quite sure where all that came from or the relevance of it, but making me chuckle typing it while I sit here waiting for my bus, so what the hell)
back to Kanchanburi.......
Slept right through until next morning and went and hired a motorbike to go and see the local sights. I rode with old Steve as pillion. First stop was the Thailand-Burma Railway Museum. Now at first reading you are thinking what the hell, but this was actually really interesting and gave a background over the building of this railway line and the POW who buiilt it under Japanese orders during the war. It was hence the story behind the 'Bridge Over the River Kwae' which links the railway over the river (the name kind of gives it away). After here headed out to see the bridge itself and pretty picturesque with a training running backwards and forwards over it for tourists. Just walked aloong it before jumping on bike and heading 45km out of town to the Tiger Temple. Here I was able to sit with a number of tigers and stroke them while having photo after photo taken by the guide!!! All a bit of a tourist trap to be honest and although tigers well looked after and in no way drugged still a bit strange just going here being escorted from tiger to tiger by a guide having a snapshot with each one and then next person in queue is taken through same process!!!! Still good fun and ride out here was nice. On way back we were caught in big rainfall and this was no fun given the open faced helmet I had on with the rain pelting into my face........ Got back nd that evening felt really ropey again. Had got seriously burnt on motorbike and thought it must just be due to this!!! (turning into right little girl!!!)
The next morning I got up early and Steve had a late night, so headed to bus station on my own to grab a local bus to Erawan Waterfalls. About 1.5 hours on bus and arrived at the National Park. Upon arival we were show sign by a local that worked here reading 'National Disaster Today' My god this place is awesome they even pre-plan their national disasters....... What it turned out to be was a training exercise in the event of a national disaster and did not therefore have any impact on entering the Park or viewing the waterfalls. Waterfalls were absolutely awesome and was a real good trek up to the top ones. On way back down I was sweltering since this pretty much located in a rainforest and once at bottom waterfall again decided to go and have a swim in the pool. That evening once back in Kanchanaburi you will be pleased to here that I had once again regained my thirst and a good few beers were sunk with some English guys and gal staying at our guest house, followed by some celebratory more beers in light of my recovery!!! Finally got to bed at about 8 am after a bar, club and some street drinking outside 7Eleven.
Oh yeah one important thing I forgot to mention was the minor incident which occured two nights prior. Whilst I was tucked up in bed feeling ill, it turns out that an arguement had happened in a bar right outside our guest house where smebody had been shot. The guy was killed and the suspect which I have since found out went into hiding in the north of Thailand. He has since given himself in and it turns out he was a copper who got drunk had an arguement and drew his gun as a result....... My god if a copper in a pub tells me its my round, who am I to argue!!!!
I woke up after an hour or so sleep in the garden hammock where I had decided to retreat to upon my arrival back at the guest house and grabbed some brekkie before jumping on a minibus back to Bangkok, where we would spend a few hours to pick up our rucksacks (whihch we had left here at guest house) and jump on another bus into the Laos capital of Vientienne.
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