The Bali Surf retreat went something like this;
Every morning we were up at 05:30am and out the door at 06:00am as this was the best time to surf! We'd surf for 2-3 hours before heading back to the house where we'd have a MASSIVE brunch!
After the morning surf sesh you had the rest of the day to do as you pleased! Whether that be lounging by the pool, going for a massage, going shopping or if you were really keen you could go for another surf!
For the whole week the swell was quite big and on the 3rd day i surfed an 8ft wave! But that was on a beach break - the real surf was on the reef break!
The following day we payed a local fisherman to take us out to the the reef break which was called 2nd reef. Here the waves were coming in almost double over-head. I surfed one wave, stacked and got caught in the 'washing machine' - scary stuff! This knocked my confidence a bit so i decided to sit in the channel and watch the pros!
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