Just seen your pics of the skydive over the snow capped Mount Doom ...dead jealouse...what a fantastic experience.
lots of love Jonathan, Megan and Beth...Miranda sends her love too xxx
The Groomies
Hey you,
A huge hello from the Groomies. Hope all is going well. The photos are fantastic and looks like you are having an amazing time. Hope you had a lovely birthday with Ash.
Not much update on the Groom front, other than Mum has finally got a job, so dad is now a stay-at-home school run/dinner dad!lol! Maddy isnt too impressed. :-) Apart from that, Lizzie has finished all her exams and is now home. She graduates on July 20th, and then officially is no longer a lazy student. Same goes for James, they are both very well. Dan is off back to Afghan, joy of joys but is looking forward to it, mad man that he is..... and i am still working in London, they have asked me to stay on for an extra 3months so will be here till Sept.
So we are all well, and hope you are too. not long till you are home, sure the last couple of months will pass quickly and you will want to go back. hehe
well we are all missing you lots and cant wait to see you, though not looking forward to how brown you will be... hehe :-)
love you lots, love all the Groomies xxxxx
FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!! Have facebooked yah too! Can't wait to see your OZ pics!
Hey meelie!hope you had a great birthday from ur facebook message it sounds awesome not many people get to go diving on there birthday!lol hows ash and everyone? bet its lovely to see them all and indulge on the luxuries of having home comforts!!some of ur pictures are stunning the seas are soo clear!i went to bournemouth beach the other day... not quite the same!lol hows the surfing going?get ash to show u sum tips!!well was just a quick message to see how u r doing glad your having a great timr and im very jelous like all of us at home are!!say hi to everyone out there for me take care love you lots and missing you even more xxxxxxxx
Jonathan, Meg And Beth
Hi Amelia
As we write this we think you must be on your way from Bali to Australia.Thanks for the postcard from Koh Tao….what an adventure you are having….you lucky girl.
Have a fantastic birthday with Ash in Tazmania…..love and miss you.
Jonathan, Megan and Beth
Uncle Gaz
Looks like you're having too much fun, come home straight away. As for naked men in canoes, they're only allowed if naked women included. Be safe, luv & stuff G
hey meelie, hope your having a wickid time, Very jealous when im looking through all the pics!!
looks like ur gonna come back nice nd brown!!! spk to you soon.
Lots of love Charlotte xxxxxxxxx
i just looked at your pictures and i am so jealous its unreal! it literally looks PERFECT, like paradise! :) no wonder you were sad to leave Koh Tao, i would be n all! lol thinking of you, hope your still having a wonderful time!
bring back a hottie for me, pleeeeeeeeeease?
Hey Meelie!
AHHHHHHHH Im so jealous! It looks like your having an amazing time! I got alll emotional reading and looking at the photos... Im not really sure why!!! I think Im just happy that your having such a good time! haha! or maybe Im just depressed being stuck in rainy, cold England! I tried sunbathing today but ended up bringing my duvet outside to keep me warm.
the beach loooks sooo beautiful!
keeeep having fun & eating lots of wierd food!!!!
lots of love Lucy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
blimey... just read all about your stay at the temple!
sounds... interesting :) and the food trolley idea i love, bless all the people that give them food. im just generally in awe, all your pictures are fantastic and it looks so exotic and beautiful. i am SO going travelling after uni or something, definately a once in a lifetime opportunity.
not sure if i told you but im going to work at a summer camp in America this summer, like teaching them drama how cool is that!? one step towards the amazing journey your on anyways. keeep it up and take care, good luck on the cloggedup ness! hahaha
missing you lots meeliep
Just had time between lectures to read one of your posts and have a look at a few pics - all sounds/looks brilliant! The Thai boys asking you to dance cracked me up, I had a mental image of you breaking out some classic Whitehall moves...
I'll finish reading/wading through the pictures later, and probably send a bigger message, but I'm glad you're having a good time and I'm sending my best wishes from sunny Guildford!
(ps - wouldn't be the worst thing if you got a picture of monkeys having sex, never fails to make me laugh)