Hola How's it going guys? We have arrived safely in Mexico City...but without my backpack!! The journey was brilliant, we got upgraded to business class which meant the 13hr journey went so quickly. We had loads of room and could pick from about 20 films. That was all great until we were waiting and waiting for Jakes bag to come off the carrasail but it never was still in London!
Yesterday was an important day.... it was Agneta´s birthday!! :)
We took a tour bus around the city and we're both so impressed with the city. Even though it's the largest and one of the most polluted in the world it's surprisingly developed and also clean. It's not that different to Madrid or Barcelona, just much bigger. Beautiful houses and great atmosphere! Had a great meal in the evening but was a bit jetlagged so didn't party all night.. we'll leave that 'til later!
Jake's bag should be on a flight out from London tonight so we're staying here an extra day...we just hope it gets here as Jakey boy is wearing the same clothes he left Bristol in! He will soon start to smell, but has already adapted to the commando way.
Anyway guys we gotta go as we're off to view some ruins which are just outside the city and have the 3rd largest pyramid in the world (after a couple in Egypt).
Hope the rain is treating you all well... ;) We have got lovely sunshine yet not too hot weather in the day, and the evenings are a bit chilly but still nice! Our phone is not working at the moment and may be out of use for the next couple of weeks, so the only way to communicate is by e-mail or by leaving us a message here until further notice! Hej hopp pillesnopp!Nu är vi här i Mexico City och njuter av staden! Hade inte förväntat oss alltför mycket av stället men staden är verkligen jättefin och folket trevliga så vi kan definitivt rekommendera en resa hit!Se ovan för fler kommentarer om resan hittills.. Jo, vår mobil funkar inte för tillfället så kontakta oss via mail eller denna hemsidan.Nu ska vi iväg och titta på världens tredje största pyramid! Pussar o kramar! Agneta & Jake
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