Hola chicos y chicas!
We´re back in Mexico! Arrived a few days ago in Tulum after spending a whole day on buses travelling up from Belize. The buses are much better was great to get on a Mexican "normal" long distance bus compared to the Belizian old American school buses. The seats on those were both tiny and very well worn..
Tulum is a small coastal town on the Carribean side of Mexico. We stayed the first night in a hostel in town but the next morning got on the local bus down to the beach. It is amazing, we both agree on that it is one of the prettiest beaches we´ve ever seen. As we planned to stay in a cabana (beach hut) on the beach rather than in town we began our search for a nice place by walking along the beach. The first places were a right dump, and then I mean little huts with thin bamboo walls and a concrete & sand floor. I (agneta) was not impressed! But as we wandered along the beach the accomodations improved, and about 20 minutes further down we finally found a really amazing place with cabanas, private little secluded beach, restaurant and lots of hammocks! It was a holistic yoga-eco-type of place with rooms for mediation, relaxation, as well as communal showers with just a dangling drape as a door. And even a special "romantic shower". No we didn´t try it out, (but Jake did)!
We made a reservation for the following night, then followed the advice of a Canadian couple we briefly met in reception and headed to another nearby hotel/restaurant/bar for some beers and absolutely delicious thai currys! It blew our budget, but it was a really good treat! Yummy yummy! We ended up spending the rest of the afternoon there sipping beers, listening to a great band playing funky house/latino music and admiring the gorgeous views from where we were sat on the top of a little cliff!
Day 2 (or three if you count the first night) we headed with our backpacks to our new lodgings on the beach.
Check out the hotel website, it was a really cool place. Great for honeymooners etc. Bamboo cabanas and little houses made out of equisite wood, sandy paths (all built on the beach basically!) and lots of little statues of different types and shapes everywhere.They had some amazing rooms, but we opted for the cheapest options (still way over our budget but yet well worth it!) which was a simple room with a suspended (!) bed and a chair. (Suspended betyder att den hangde pa snoren fran taket, utan ben!). It was really nice, although the suspended bed made me feel a bit seasick whenever I moved! Lights were quite dim, but we had lots of candles to light our way. They were placed all around the hotel.
That was yesterday and we spent the day relaxing on the beach. Really nice Evening time was a quite affair as everyone else on the beach seemed to have gone awol (missing for er svenskar!) and it was really quite everywhere! Today we visited what Tulum is really famous for, the old Mayan ruins situated on top of cliffs just by the beach. We couldn´t be here and not visit and expected it to be a nice little visit, only to go there and find the place SWAMPED with other tourists (mainly Americans on a day trip from Cancun), I´ve never seen that many tourists at a sight ever before! They were more of a sight than the ruins! ha ha! So we quite quickly checked out the ruins (dodging many tourists along the way!) and then headed back to our hotel. We´d already checked out but spent the rest of the afternoon on the beach, starting with an hour long snooze (tupplur!) in one of the hammocks!
We´re back in the town of Tulum for one evening before we´re moving on tomorrow. We´ll be sad to leave Central America, we´ve both really enjoyed it here and we are definitely coming back!!!!!!
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