Hey everyone, so our last blog was vicky filling you in with our horrendous taxi journey over the border, well I thought i better get the a little too so.................
Arriving in Siem Reap was a lovely surpriuse after that horrible journey the town itself is really lovely and very verybusy with millions of tuk tuk men here there and everywhere. We were (must of been) looking lost walking through the backpackers plot when a really niec guy told us about a hostel he was staying and gave it a good review - so being exhausted we bundled our stuff into as tuk tuk and went in search of it. He was right it was a lovely place and really clean. This was our first experience of a shared dorm, there were two other girls staying in it for the time we stayed and they seemed Okay. We stayed in Siem Reap for nearly three days, and for most of it we spent exploring the Temples of Angkor. We hired a tuk tuk driver who ferried us about for the entire day, we starteded our first morning at 0430 as rumour had it that sunrise was meantto be spectuclar over the temples.
So bright eyed and bushy tailed we were there all ready camera and all, but unfortunately it was a little over cast and it wasn't as amazing as we hoped but howinever we kept going. The first temple we visted was the main one called Angkor Wat, with it being the first one we probably spent about a hour walking around before going back to our tuk tuk driver. It wasn't before long that we reaslised that this 'quick'encounter obviously had annoyed our driver. He started to give us a full and very detailed account about the temple. I think he is a local man who is very ver y proud to have the Temples in such close quarters that he wanted us to see them in full glory, which was lovely of him. Wer goty on great with him and even booked him for the second day. We didn't start so early but we brought him a packeds lunch which he ate with us and was very very greatful. Through talking with him we came rto realsie hopw poor he was and it showed in the fact out of his four triangle sandwiches he kept two for his dinner that evening!!! Vicky and I couldn't beleive it, we just ate when we feel like it - he was totally different! There wasn't much partying in Siem reap cos of the hectic sechdule, but the hostel bar was cheap and very handy being just downstairs (PJ's where even permitted) :)
We left Siem Reap on Monday morning, early early and got a boat to our next destination the capital of Cambodia - Phnom Penh. The boat journey lasted approx five hours and was in pretty cramped style. When we arrived at where the boast was leaving a guy took my bag at which point I quickly followed to sere where it was going to end up. When I knew it was safe I tried to make a quick getaway - but he followed and only went away again after I had tipped him. I gave him 1000 riel - he wasn't impressed but it was that or nothing!! Equivilent to about 20p hahah but it was becauser he was being so cheeky!! Anyway, we arrived at our destination to hords and hords or tuk tuk men who proceeded to jump onto the boat a offer accomodation and tukt tuks to anywhere. Some even had names of the boat passengers which thay had got from the boat company in Siem Reap!! It was so hot but we eventually haggled with a few guys and got a good price for the journey to our hostel (at this point it was fingers crossed if a room woulkd be available!!) A guy had recommended it too us previuously.
We arrived and thank god there was space, its a very chilled out and relaxed place where u can just hang out and as you order food or drinks or have washinf done just write it in your 'room book'and then pay at the end of your visit. We noticed already it is cheaper than Siem Reap, which is always good for our budget!! :) Vicky has been feeling pretty hot today and at bed time we both realised that we had got more sun than either of us wanted, but a tub of natural yoghurt later we were much cooler!
Today we have visited the Royal Palace, which is a must see here - but vicky and I was't really that impressed and wouldn't recommend it to others. We went to the Psar Thmei (The New Market) Here eveything and anything is sold. Itis unbeleivable - Vicky practised her haggliny skills and she is definately getting better!! :) Trying to buy a bra was the funniest, the wee women proceeded to fit vicky up there and then over t-shirt and ruck sack!! Haha she wasn't going to lower her price so vic eventually just left it.
We split up this after noon as I really wanted t visit the Toul Sleng Museum, and Vicky has had her fill of museums at the mo - so i headed off. This museum originally was a school until it was taken over and turned into a prison and a zone of torture, named Prison S-21. While walking around it gave me a physical sick feeling in my tummy - there were pictures of the tourtured prisoners (most of whom were inocent) and I could walk in and the cells. There are skulls of victums on display - very horrible but really nice to visit, I'm going to the 'Killing Fields of Choeung Ek'' tomorrow, that is were most of the prisoners were executed, seemilgly it is a really peaceful place now - but i'll report more when I see for myself!!
So as you can make out things are going great still, we're both missing home obviously but enjoiying it too :)
Will keep you all posted , much love michelle xoxoxox
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