Wastell In Africa
Up early again and another superb African sun rise, we both attempted to take pictures of this but non of them do any justice. Quick swill in the cold water bowl and a visit to the long drop loo.
Down with the tents before the sun geets up (see even fools do learn eventually). We then learned a new phenonenm when out on the planes, as the sun clears the horizon and warms the dessert the wind also gets up, managed to wrestle tent down and shelterd behind a rock so your heroes didnt go hungry without their cooked breakfast. However after yesterdays shopping trip no mystery sausage and egg but Bratwerst and curried beans. Its a mans life in the wilderness. Managed to cmplete washing up with everything been blown around including a full washing up bowl at one point.
On the road heading south. Called in at Otjimbingwe. This is a strange little town at a crossroads of 5 roads. Its claim to fame is that it has Namibia's oldest church, we went to look at this and met a nice family who let us in and the young lad very proudly showed off his English and showed us around. On our way out of town we found a very overgrown cemetery and stopped to have a look round. It turned out to be mostly Germans dating from the early 1900's and the last ones petering out in the 60's. Whilst we where looking round a pick-up truck flew to a halt in the middle of the road and a large chap got out and came running out to talk to us. It turned out he had German ancestry and had been trying to get the German government to take on the maintenance of the cemetery, and thought we where his saviours. Once we let him know we have never knowingly been anyone saviours he was very friendly and told us about the local area.
After this we left town heading south on the D1953 through the mountains. This was an interesting road that gradually got worse. It started as been scrapped across rock with some gravel infill, on some of the slopes the ravel had been washed out leaving precarious tracks hovering over drops, then we started to go up slopes which where very steep and just bare rock. At one point we got half way up a steep slope and stalled, as much as we tried i could not get it into low ratio and there was no power below 2000RPM. With much use of left foot breaking, revving and us of the clutch as low gear we crawled to the top of the slope. We did take pictures and some videos, but again non of it relates to just how close your two heroes where to leaving the car and walking.
Made it through to our last watering hole of our Namibian adventure, got the car cleaned out and returned just before the deadline of 5PM. At the hotel we stayed in there was a hotel and of course the lucky people got to talk to us especially if we had them in a corner. In the evening there was a massive lightening and thunder storm which many of the guests thought was good omen for the wedding, however the little girl serving us was worried about her farming family up North being flooded. Can never make everyone happy.
Any way off to the airport tomorrow and down to Cape Town to join our senior management team.
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