Well to be honest i dont have a clue where to start or what!!! Its been a while since my last blog and ive done so much since then!
What a xmas and new years... spent xmas day at bondi and at an event called Sunburnt where they had loads of top DJs... it was quality mainly because off the people we met! Started of poorly with a rubbish xmas dinner, but met a great group of girls and started straight on the drinking games! Dont have much recolition of the rest of the day apart from dancing like a maniac and dressed head to toe in tinsel... check out my photos on facebook they are finally all up!
Next few days we met up with the crew a few times going out in the harbour and lots of sunbathing on the beach! New Years we planned to go to the botanic gardens and get a good spot to watch the fireworks from, and what a spot we got! (we did get there at 9am!?) Right at the front with unblocked views of the bridge and opera house! We went with the same lot from xmas day which included 4 girls from east london, 2 northerners, a scot, an irish and god knows how many more! The day consisted of lots of drinking and chilling out then watch the best fireworks i have ever ever seen!!! One to definately remember, such a good time!
We booked a bus (well spinksy did) for the 2nd of jan to get us out of Sydney, was quite sad cause we were leaving the group of friends we made and cause i loved it but definately time to get out of there cause it ate most of my cash! Off to Surf Camp we went...
Surf Camp was dead good... i can now officially surf!!! Wooo.. haha!! (well i got up a few times then got extremely knackered!! its tough being a surfer dont you know) Spent the night in a leaking teepee and had a bonfire on the beach and have now met a fantastic group of mates! Quite a few travelling on there own and a couple called Jonny and Vic. Stayed there one night and got back on the bus up to Byron Bay!
Now Byron Bay was the mutts nutts!! to keep it short and sweet we stayed there for 5 nights i think and here is the list of what it consisted of....
Cheeky Monkeys, Goon (4 litre boxes of wine which tastes rank but cost rougly 4 quid and gets you smashed!), BBQ'ing, surfing, Skinny dipping, Drinking games, Gatorade, Sumo wrestling, Jonny dance off with random and me doing the worst dance in the world and spinning on my bum in a middle of a bar, lizards in our room, wet damp clothes, wet t-shirt competition, dancing on tables, womens clothes, magic tricks, Pies, ice creams, arguements, i am legend, loads of people stoned, market, burnt bums, being sad to see some guys leave, races up the beach, nearly drowning, hurt foot and laughs upon laughs with fantastic people - Jonny, Vic, Toria, Scott, Luke, Simon, Ray, Jon, Jack, Will and Laura... plus more!! Could of gone into detail but thought that would be easier... as you can probably tell im having lots of fun!
We left Byron Bay and headed to Surfers Paradise... theres only 6 of us still together now... and believe me this was no paradise!! The weather was pants and we didnt even see the beach we ended up staying in and watching lots of films in the big communal area and just chatting rubbish. Stayed there for 2 days and now in Brisbane!
How funny has Brisbane been and we've only been here for a couple of days! Basically got here and Vic had booked a dorm for us all to stay in, but they could fit us all in one so we got split up, we went up to our room and all the mattresses were up and there was just a couple of rusty beds and a pair of pants in the corner... after alot of assuming (like someone had died in there) we went down and complained... turns out the room had been sprayed for bed bugs... Lovely eh!! Kicked up a bit of a fuss so ended up getting discount rate and a night free!! We are now all together though which is cool! Cause we were all a bit stressed that night we just went straight down to the bar and got on the jugs of beer had a good night and have got some good photos!
Next day the weather was still pants so decided to just doss around, oh and get my head shaved! (sorry mum but it started to look ridiculous!!) Oh and put some washing on and again shrunk my clothes!! I cant believe it i thought the dryer would kick the out after 20 mins... ended up being in there for 1hr. Clever Mike eh!!!
Today the sun finally came back!!! Yeaaaahhhh!! We all went down to the river and went for a bike ride (how queer!) but was really good and me and Jonny even got a tandem with a bell.. haha... lots of "alrite girls" were going on!! We also saw a man made beach!! Off out tonite cause Toria is leaving us tomo which im pretty sad about cause been having a good laugh with her! It leaves just the 4 of us in brisbane but wer all together for a while! Leave here on weds i think... i dont have a clue what day of the week or what the date is!! Heading up towards Fraser island... where i get to drive a 4 by 4 on the biggest sand island in the world and camp out for 2 nights and swim in fresh water lakes!!! Its gonna be the bees knees.. cant wait!
Hope all is good at home with everyone... sorry to waffle on but ive tried to keep it as short as possible! The sun is back... Wooo!! Ill try to update sooner next time!
Peace x
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