Fraser Island was CLASS!!! But ill get on to that in a bit.
Well we finally left the hottest room in the world in Brisbane with a hangover after me and my mate Charlie went out for a few beers which ended up being a few jugs and spending the night chatting to 2 swedish girls and a group of about 8 girls from essex! Next stop was Noosa (posh resort where celebs go on holiday). The hostel was perfect, we had a room for the 4 of us and it was lovely a cool in there. The sun was out so we headed straight to the beach for some hardcore surfing and to get our tans back. Got up on the board a couple of times before just deciding to body surf and try and not drown! We stayed a few days not much to do at night so just chilled out really playing card games and stuff.
We left Noosa and next stop was Hervey Bay which is where we leave to get to Fraser Island. Was quite a long journey and went through some rather dodgy towns (they were just deserted loads of closed shops and just the odd really old person walking about!?)... one stuck out being called Gympie, the driver was telling us it has the biggest murder rate in the whole of australia and is quite an inbred town... nice!! Thankgod we werent going to stop there. We also visited rainbow beach, where the sand is meant to be hundreds of different colours, well ill tel you.... it wasnt! Think it was to do with all the floods and freak storms we have had out here, didnt matter too much though we on route to Hervey Bay! Had another decent room here and just cooked dinner that night and went to the bottle shop to stock up on booze for our camping trip! Me and Johnny decided on 4 boxes of goon... 16 litres! I think we got a little too much. The girls got a bottle of vodka and just 1 box of goon... lightweights.. haha!
Well it was an early early start the next day!! Half 6!! I went away so i could have lay-ins so much for that eh! We went for our briefing and got put into groups, we had us 4, then 3 chek girls, a portugese guy and 2 girls from Dorset (the funniest people i have met!) After me, Katie and Johnny siging our lives away so we can drive the 4 by 4's we headed off and got the cars, got loads of food between the group and got all our equipment! Next stop.... Fraser Island!!
We were warned about the roaming dingos, these are like wild dogs and they come up to you and try to steal your food, we would later realise how true this is. We got the ferry over to the island and with our itinary we headed off into the unknown, with good old spinksy driving though soft and hard sand and nearly killing everyone in the back with her aggressive driving! I got chatting to the two girls from Dorset, Katie and Emily, they were only 18 and 19 and were very posh, both come from boarding school and were travelling australia on what i presume Daddys money!! My first impression was that they would be rather polite and reserved how wrong could i have been!! These two were completely nuts, walked around naked alot, had a very dirty sense of humours and Emily even believed that she could "genuinely believe she could fly!" absolute loons!
First port of call was Lake Mckenzie, after a bumpy ride we pulled over and walked down to this lake, through the trees and then out onto the most amazing beach, pure white sand a clear fresh water!! It was beautiful, you couldve drank the water and i could have just stayed there for the whole 2 days! After spening a couple of housr there we headed off to our camping spot just off the main beach where we had views from our tent out on to the beach and sea!! We camped up with another group and had a bbq this night and drank lots of goon. Some people more than others though as Vicki basically polished off over half a bottle of vodka and was smashed. Her and Johnny decided to have a domestic in our tent which was funny to start off with cause vicki could hardly speak but after a while katie and me just wanted to sleep... so after a few words Vicki eventually passed out at around 2am! Wokeup to the sound of the sea and the heat of our tent at about 6.30. Turned out one half of posh and posher had slept out on the beach and a big wave came in and woke her up as you can imagine what happened.. haha!! She got soaked and even broke her camera!!
That next day a few of us went down to another fresh water lake and saw some of the biggest spiders i have ever seen!!! They were HUGE! Still i werent scared at all... im well hard!! Also went to a place called the champagne pools, where the sea comes over the rocks into little poos and the bubbles resemble champagne, this was pretty cool!! I also had a go of the driving!! It was wickid and very surreal driving down a 75 mile beach, in a 4by4 at 80 Kmh. Would recommened it to every one! Second night we camped up somewhere different and it was the windiest night ever and having the worst tents in the world didnt help basically pegged down 4 corners and it had 1 pole in the middle.. was fantastic!! Just about got the tent up but was so noisy in the night and i basically held it up with my feet, Johnny and Vicki even slept in the 4 by 4! Was hilarious in the morning though, one tent had fallen down on a couple of people in the night and as i said about those dingos!! Dont leave anything out of the van they said... Whoops!! They opened up our cool boxes and stole the sausages and everything and also jumped on the bonnet and ripped open the bin bags!!
It was then our last day on the island and we went for a walk to another remote lake was meant to take 45 mins... but it took us all nearly 2hrs! This wasnt any normal walk either we ended up in a desert all you could see was sand and big dunes, i have some good phots which will be on facebook so check them out! We finally made it though and was a relieve to get in some cold water cause it was BOILING!!!
It was a class couple of days and the island is beautiful with some amazing animals and views, even the camping was a laugh and the not showering and even poo'ing in holes which we had to dig!! haha!! Was glad to get back to civilisation though!
After our little adventue of mad driving and camping our next stop was a place called Kroombit... Cattle station!! I had so much fun. Whilst the girls went oout on the horses and collected the goats me and johnny chiilled out with some of the others by the pool. Oh by the way there was 35 people on the coach and 5 guys!! Good eh! They came back and we all headed up to the top of the ranch where we then had a little competition!! A small rodeo.. groups of 3 had to catch a goat, flip it over and then brand it... fastest time won!
Me, Johnny and a girl called Candicegot roped into going first!! They didnt tell us the had the most wild goat that when i tried to catch it he jumped up and out of the ring... we later found out he was called Houdini and no one had caught him!! Katies team done we and we have a photo of her man handling the goat flipping it over which shoiuld be sent to the RSPCA i think!! We then had another goat this time it was a baby i think the guys were having a wind up with us!! Next was clay pigeon shooting which was wickid and i actually joint won with hitting 3 out of 5... god knows how with my eyes!! Also later that night we learned how to crack a whip and then had a go on a mechanical bull which was hilarious!! Mainly because Kates jeans split open.. seriously it was so funny, me and Vicki were in stiches! Oh yeah and i nearly forgot i got electricuted with a cattle prod.. slight burn marks on my arm but its ok im tough!
I had a wickid time on the ranch and met some more great people who were up for a laugh! Today im at Rockhampton and im staying here tonight then catching a ferry to an island called Great Keppel Island, we found out about it by accident and apparently not a lot of people know about it so it is really remote! Should be good and im hopefully gonna try get in some diving if not that will wait till monday where we are going Whitsundays! Ill leave it there as i have written far too much.. hopefully here from some of you soon... check ou tthe fotos it'll explain alot better than how ive described things!
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