We got a 5 hour Bus journey to Phnom Penh from HCMC (1 NIGHT) We visited the Tuol Sleng Museum of Genocide (S-21 )which is a former high school that was converted into the detention and interrogation centre where from 1975-1979 roughly 20,000 Cambodians were executed by the Khmer Rouge. Political enemies suspected of treason were brought here and tortured for confessions. Only seven prisoners survived. We also went to the 'Killing Fields' where more than 17,000 civilians were killed and buried in mass graves; many of them transported here after detention and torture in Toul Sleng ( S-21). Both were very upsetting. It is crazy to think about what went on here, not even 30 years ago, all that tragedy. It was very morbid but i'm glad i went as i didn't really appreciate what actually went on and the history behind it. So very crawl . Such a lot of history in such a small amount of time, i mean the people here have first hand experience of all that went on, that in itself really got to me.
The people here didn't seem to hassle you as much as Vietnam and were very friendly, it was a lot cleaner also. Cambodia wins hands down to Vietnam already
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