What a day! It all started out well. Said my goodbyes to my host family. Got to the bus station on time to get to San Jose. Met up with Wendy at the Caribbean bus terminal and got on the noon bus to Puerto Viejo. We had a lot of catching up to do and spoke non-stop for several hours. That is, until we hit a traffic jam and realised that the road was surrounded by muddy floodwater! I have never been in a situation like this before and it was quite scary to not be able to see the road ahead!
We quickly became stuck in a terrible traffic jam full of heavy trucks and other buses. Limon is a port city and the busiest in Costa Rica, so most of the traffic consisted of cargo carrying trucks. We moved a total of 1km in 4 hours! As night set in and the darkness descended as quickly as the rain, Wendy quipped, "It's like being stuck on a night flight that isn't going anywhere. You just wake up and you're in the same spot!". That made me laugh!
Eventually, the flooded section of the road calmed down from the raging torrent it had been and it was safe for vehicles to pass. So, we finally arrived in Puerto Viejo just as the heavens unleashed further torrential rains and the power in the village went out. Welcome to the Caribbean!
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