Today was my last day at the orphanage. It felt weird. I took some biscuits for the kids and the Tias. The boy with foetal alcohol syndrome was acting up all day and hitting the other kids. I felt frustrated that I could do nothing to stop him except put my body as a wall of defence. Logically, I know it's not his fault that he is the way he is - Alcohol Foetal Syndrome leads to severe behavioural problems because the brain wasn't able to develop properly. But emotionally, I can't cope with his outbursts and physical violence and hate what he is doing to the other children as he is constantly bullying the kids that are smaller than him - to the extent that they physically recoil when he approaches them! I believe he should be in an environment where there are people specially trained to deal with his disability and where he won't be able to hurt other children.
I left early so I could pack all the stuff I'd accumulated over the past 3 weeks. In the afternoon, I watched the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games in London and got all homesick. I miss my friends and family back home and the culture and nightlife in London. I think Danny Boyle did a great job of capturing the essence of London - what makes London one of the most famous cities in all the world! But, most of all, I miss my own bed...
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