Phuket...pronounced Pooget!
We got a connecting flight from Siem Reap to Bangkok to Phuket no delays. Met up with Brabs around 6 at a local bar, which was fun.
The next day Brabs had us in the ocean off the beach doing our diving review...I was okay as had only just passed in August so it was all fresh, good for George to do as a a little sunburnt...ouch!
The following day we went out with Sophia our dive instructor and Grim dive master to Koh Doc Mai to do our Advanced Open Water dives...we only got to do our Deep and Drift as we had to abandon our Naturalist due to being caught in a drift current which took us way off course! The Deep dive was my very first dive in the ocean, what a baptism of fire...had real probs equalising but did it. The dive was the King Cruiser Wreck great visability...the nitrogen narcossis test was funny as I had to complete a few maths questions at 27m and as most of you know my maths is not great at the best of times...ended up doing the test quicker at 27m than on the boat...only because I made up the answers...quick brush across the forehead John Nash styley!!
We ended up doing our Naturalist, Photography and Navigation dives on the liveaboard at the Similan Islands with Brabs. Great few fantastic...our Naturalist dive a very large manta ray came very close, what an absolutely fantastic experience...Brabs said he hadn't seen one diving a first for us all. Some great pics of the diving on the album.
So we both passed which was great. As some of you know I had a little accident and fell over and hurt my back which was very painful for a few weeks afterwards, poor George had to carry my rucksack a few times to help me out, thanks matey!
We only stayed 10 days in Phuket wished we had longer to explore more of Thailand, but had to move on...
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