Arrived and got through passport control quite swiftly, paid about US $20 for a visa.
The humidty hits you as you step out of the airport.
The City River Hotel was such a welcome luxury compared to Bangkok. Good value for money and great location.
We cheated a little and hired a local taxi and English speaking guide to take us around Angkor we had limited time in Siem Reap we thought this the best way of seeing everything in a short space of time. It was also a blessing after walking around the temples in that heat getting back into the air conditioning car, what wosses we are eh?!
In two days we managed to see most of the area and especially a couple of the temples I really wanted to see: Bayon Temple, Terrace of the Elephants, Terrace of the Leper King, Angkor Wat, Thommanon Takeo and the famous Ta Prohm, I know some of you recognise as where Lara Croft Tombraider was filmed, pics on the album for you to get bored at! Once we fought our way through the hundreds of Chinese Tourists and me getting into a verbal with a Chinese guy over me stepping into his picture, I lost my patience as we didn't have all day, he had already taken half an age to take 100's...think he was a bit shocked about being answered back to by a lanky ginger bird!! Quite a bit of climbing on some of temples and in that heat was quite exhausting...I ribbed G a little for not keeping up...I did have an advantage as my legs were longer his comment made me chuckle..."its alright for you with your design enhancements" when they're not making me fall over or bumping into things, they come in handy sometimes!
We were approached by kids all the time trying to sell their basket full of wares...bracelets and scarves, they were so cute and very polite even if you didn't buy anything.
Went into the small town area for dins on our last evening. I think that in about 5 years the whole area will become quite commercialised it was already becoming a very busy and bustling town.
The history and stories were really interesting and I was sooo pleased we had decided to fit Angkor Wat into our schedule.
Next stop...Phuket.
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