Hi Wendy and Phil!
I'm in Melbourne at the moment, having just arrived by campervan from Sydney. We travelled down the coast in 10 days, and the scenery was absolutely breath taking! Visited lots of national parks (including the one in the picture) and we were taught how to beach fish by some guys in our caravan park one evening (don't worry though we threw back the ones we didn't eat!).
Yesterday we went to Phillip Island, stopping off at a wildlife rehab centre on the way. They had quite a few koalas and we could feed the kangaroos and wallabies. After wandering around some beaches we watched the penguin parade - where about 500 little penguins come out of the sea and up to their nests on the hills. They waddle right past you chattering away - couldn't take any pictures though because people kept using flash photography so they had to ban it.
Today was a day for Kat because we visited the Neighbours set (I don't watch it) and met the guy who plays Connor (not sure if you've seen it) but I felt a little awkward as I have no idea about the show. Still interesting to be on a production set though!
Tomorrow we're on a coach tour to Adelaide, which will take us 3 days along the coast. The weather isn't supposed to be very nice though so will have to wait and see what it's like.
Thank you for keeping me updated with you and all the animals - I love hearing about them all - so jealous to be missing out on all the babies!
I tried adding the email address again and it still won't accept it, so I guess you'll have to wait and see the pictures - sorry!
Hope you are all well!
Vicky xxx
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