What a great experience. Be careful in South Africa (if you still there) its not the wild animals you have to be careful of. We've had a really hot week, but yesterday it downpoured - and its still raining - not told Wend yet that her young robin has died in the aviary this morning. Trouble is, these sudden heavy downpours kill so many babies and young. We have a catted rabbit coming in later - dont give it much hope.... Been a really busy week this week, bet we've had 30 animals in, birds, ducks, hedgehogs, a lovely buzzard hit by a car. I thought he'd lost his left eye (as wel as most of his beak) but Wend done a brill job and it looks fine now.
See you soon
Phil n Wend xxxx
Phil N Wend
Hi Vick
Sorry for not writing for so long, keep forgetting to go online. Sounds like you having an awesome time (very envious). When do you get back, was it June. We'll all go out for a meal so you can tell us all about it.
Starting to get busy now. Wend (though I'm doing quite a bit now) is hand rearing 16 baby birds and 2 baby hedgehogs. In the last 2 weeks we have had 5 baby fox cubs - so cute - especially Brindle, who is so upfront, when he comes out hes trying to jump on you all the time, the other 4 are qite timid. + he's such a light colour - like sand, not had one in like him before.
Still looking for property, but got to sell mine first. Been on a fact finding mission today, to see how we could turn Cedar into a comunity project - very helpful.
Well better go, animals to feed (but no places to go). Take care and speak soon
Phil n Wend xxxx
Phil N Wend
Hi Vick,
Sounds like you're having a whale of a time. Happy Easter, though its nearly over, back to work tomorrow. Just had our first 5 ducklings of the year and 3 baby rabbits. Take care, and the web is www.cedarwildlifesanctuary.co.uk the info@ is the email address
phil n wend xxxx
Phil N Wend
Hi Vick,
I've been asking Wend every other day if she has seen any messages on your web and she said no - would help if she looked at the right place, so I thought I'd have a look, and yes there you are.
Hope you're having a great time. Still fairly quiet here at the moment. Got 2 baby squirrels - wend just gone to feed them.
We starting to renovate/paint everywhere in time for summer. Just painted the hospital in a light blue/green colour, looks nicer now.
Ted has become really mardy, spend as much time as we can with him. Trouble is he spends every night waiting outside the back door for us to play with him.
Split is fine, nuisance most nights, bless him.
Oh and the kids are fine.
Anyway, look after yourselves and let us know where you are