We pigged out with our breakfast buffet available at our hostel before we left for Ha Long Bay. It was very good, definitely worth more than we paid for our stay there! Then it was off to the bus for a 3 hour trip to get to the beautiful waters.
It was new years eve so we decided to pick the party boat cruise -- boy oh boy did we ever pick it haha.
As we hopped on the smaller transport boat to get to our lovely party boat we took in the clear waters and large rock formations in the water. It was beautiful.
Then --- there it was. Ha long party boat! Woohoo. We were happy we were still with the two great Danish girls we met in china we celebrated Christmas and now new years with them.
We arrive and get settled into our nice room with a window right outlooking the calm waters. We even kept the window open it was very mild out and nice. Food was great lots of seafood for Michelle and they catered special for Ty since he's not a seafood fan.
Then we ventured off to do some kayaking. We made a great team and were the most coordinated and fast ones in the group! (obviously haha) there's not too much to see in the water other than fish but the caves were pretty cool. We had pretty good weather but the sun didn't really come out. ( however we got sun when we were in sapa ). It was also interesting to see that there are actually a few villages that live on the water -- there's a school on the water, doctor etc. that's a different lifestyle for sure!!
We played a game of tug of war and soccer on the beach which was quite fun then headed back to our boat.
It was getting close to celebration time for the new year so we all had a great dinner together (lots more seafood ) then it was party time. Except for the fact that we were both exhausted since we haven't had a good sleep for about 2 nights now.
We ordered a few coffees and pushed through it like champs though. Oh yea and forgot to mention there were 4 welsh guys on the boat that were absolutely nutty, huge party animals, loved to drink , and with their heavy accents we could barely understand whet they were saying. They were our entertainment of the night thats for sure !
So as we're all socializing on the deck outside we start to hear loud music coming from the dinning area so we go check it out. It was our crew ( bunch of little Viet guys ) dancing there asses off to some actually quite good house music. We couldn't help ourselves but laugh it was so funny. Never seen guys dance like that before! So as you can imagine we've got our drunk crew dancing hardcore grinding each other and what not then mix that with the crazy welsh guys and it was quite the party!
We rang in the new year with lots if laughter dancing and cheap Viet beer. It was a lot of fun! Other than the repetitive playing of Abba for 48 hours!
Next morning we had to get up at 7am for breakfast ( which was obviously not on time as our crew was still recovering I think) haha. Most likely from drinking happy water !
We explored another huge cave had another great meal and it was time to part ways with the boat.
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