Hi All,
So here I almost a year to the date wierd.....seems this is the only chance I got to take some time so I shall .... errrr I did...err am....
Sooooo what to do....I packed me bags jumped on me bike and headed south. Work is crazy so last thing I want to do is plan anything....I'm ebbing with da flow. I guess I want to find some serious bike appreciates them. I tend to grin when leaning hard lol. Plus I just had a tune up and got new rubber......
K so...I heard about a road that shall remain nameless for now. A twisty road extraordinaire....I figured I should head that general direction as a start point n see what happens .that is the extent of planning to date.. Well not true I did put out feelers to a few folks asking if they could think of anything cool to see west of the Mississippi (gotta have limits ya know).....but got nothin.... Sooo that gave me an idea to head for Montana as its a good launching off point.
So ...night before.whence I should have been packing I had company....I pretty much petered out and passed out on couch sooo didn't really pack or nuttin... musta been tired...or coulda been da rum.... nahhhh rum would never betray me like that. I did manage to fill me traveling flask...strictly for medicinal purposes of course. Priorities.... LOL
So woke up this morning....Zoe got handled...she went to day care.... I managed to focus me eyes after a bit made some coffee n realized crap I gotta pack...... so no worries my clothes are in the dryer....just need to gather em n pack em....cept.....seems I did all the right stuff I put em in the washer turned the washer on...took em outta the washer, put them in the dryer....right about here it went weird cause when I went to get my nice clean clothes I opened the dryer....grabbed me clothes and...paused .... cause they were all wet.....that's not right me thought. Sooooo I turned it on...the dryer...hmmm seems to help. So bought myself an hour...
so I ran around packing and stuff....n loaded the bike....with fresh warm cloths right outta the dryer. Jumped on and headed south.
Whoo hoo..... Nice day. Bike is running great. Sooo I figured I would try to get to Billings. Strange name for a city isn't it....what can that possibly mean? I needed to put some miles on today so I hit the back roads. Left at Ponoka....hey Drumheller is on the way.. I decided to check it out. Can not remember last time I was there.
Pretty uneventful new helmet is awesome. Not much traffic....cept on Hwy 2 and ya I encountered a couple of weirdos ...... people use your freakin cruise if you cant maintain a speed.....oh and the left lane.....stay the freak outta it unless your going faster then everybody else you bunch of numb hard of a concept is that...ooops rant off.....
So I rolled into Drumheller and it is really a cool area. I stopped to take a pic at the town sign... no one around..... so set the tripod...and then they showed up semi trailers .....n a car with 3 gals in it... as I got everything ready for my solo shot..took all of 30 seconds. These gals proceeded crawling all over the sign taking pics of each other...I just waited...I really am quite patient you know and its not my sign..... Watching a gal simulate felacio to a Tyrannosaurus Rex is quite entertaining little frightening but entertaining non the less. I'm always a proponent of felacio...
I even asked if they wanted a group shot so they clambered up the sign and I took their picture for them. then I waited. My bike in front of the sign was nice I with a tripod watching them might have been a clue that I might be waiting...but apparently not. Let see the camera timer is 10 seconds .... yup thats all I needed.... but no.... they took stopped in front of the sign to view and critique all the pics...ohhh and one of the gals went around the back of the sign to pee.... Definitely not go girls....girl power whoo hooo.... I just wanted to take one pic. They finally left...n I got me pic.....was so ticked didn't even look at it...hope it turned out.
Went into town and found the massive T-rex holy crap its big. Went to the souvenir shop and found a real fossil of a I got it....its small but cool.....crap they had some serious was 8,000 tooth 9 bucks.... you decide....
So....managed to drop me new helmet....crappp scratched me visor....oops. sighhh.... I'll get a new visor in the next town with a bike biggy. Off I went. got to hwy 1 n this is were.... my phone decided to take a tumble..... all I'm going to say is that the iphone can take a lickin n keep on ticking....might look like s***te now but it still works..... that's all the detail on that......
Kept on puttering n then me neck started to hurt....but for all who read me last blog....I came prepared this time....I'm packin Ibprofen. n robaxacet platinum n a little gem I call..... Spasomatics.... lol ....learned from the last trip
I got to Taber.....wheres the corn dam it..... ended up at Timmys for a coffee n soup instead. figured there would be some taber corn somewhere. b***** neck was pretty stiff...oh forgot to mention I was bucking about a thousand mile an hour crosswind...might explain the neck.....crap its windy in this neck of the world. Off I the goal. GPS says I'll get there about 10:30.....oh also I have no map of Montana......
Hit the boarder at Coutts.....quite attitude..... nice.... off I went....first gas stop I found a map...GPS is great but not for the big picture. So i take a look n crap its a long hall ..Great Falls is not too there is a cool road just outside of there. hmmmmmm yup Im overnightin in Great Falls. So I found a Best Western....n here I am...Awesome bar. they made a wicked chicken fried steak and in all honesty I suspect I'm tanked from all the Guiness I pounded back whilst listening to the live band.
Down side ... no hot freakin water....what upppppp.
Tomorrow if I gotta take a cold shower I'm gunna be maddddd.
Well thats all for day one. Tomorrow should be pretty cool....
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David Cayley Ride safe buddy