Day 8
Rain rain go away
Today was a bit of a lame boring ride, and I kind of knew it would be. it seemed my motorbike map did not have any epic routes to get to Wellington, which is the southern most city in the north island. And to top it off, it was cloudy and rainy today, so the ride into town was a drag.
i did get to go out this evening, and meet a friend of a friend of a friend. I met Dave through my friend Brad, and he had recently moved to NZ about 4 months ago. He's also from philly, so cool. we met up for dinner and drinks and he showed me around Wellington. A pretty cool city, lots of outdoor cafe's and pubs. we went to quite a few of them, drinking the local beer. We also met some local kiwis who were all nice people, and we all had a great time. I also found out that prostitution is LEGAL in Wellington. Who knew? I sure didnt, NOT that I found out. I know what you're all thinking. Oddly though I have not seen ONE casino here, so maybe there is no gambling here. ODD.
Anyway, it was a fun night after a crap riding day, and always nice meeting new cool people.
260 miles today
1,621 total
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