Flung open my roughly painted green wooden shutters to reveal a brand spanking new beautiful Sunny warm 26 degree Roman day! Bon Journo! (Maybe incorrect spelling, I'm sure..but, the sentiment is there!).
Chances are those shutters have been there a couple of hundred years...or more!
Sprang outta bed (well, that was prior to opening the shutters, but that wasn't as good an opening! Ah! Hang on: there's a literal pun there! Gee! I'm good!)
After a quick shower and my first actual regular "movement' in a week (sorry bout that!) I got into my Thoroughly Modern Millie Style lift down to the Reception run by kind Indian Carni! If you've seen Thoroughly Modern Millie you'll know the lift I speak of! Fun in itself!!! It's like being back in the closet, again! (See blog pics under Rome).
Skipped (well, not literally) around the corner (this place is way outta tourist trap...great!) and found a funny wonderfully bussling real Italian corner cafe with fresh pastries and fresh coffee! (First in a week!) and then remembered I only had 3 Euro in my pocket as Carni had taken my last 5 for use of air conditioner remote! LOL! So, worried, I stood at the counter: A fresh pastry with custard and fruit, water and coffee! No problemo! €2.80! Keep the change!
Then In walked the most glamorous Italian woman: dressed to the nines, hair teased, high heels and fashionable dress! Think Sophia Loren crossed with Mrs Turnblad/Divine from Hairspray! Gorgeous in all the right ways!'s only 9.49am!
- comments
Mother Would love to see pics of those women you speak of!!
ElvioDAngelo FabUlous way to start the Dar darling ! Roma - the city where the phrase 'la Dolce vita' was coined !!!!