hello everyone. hope you are all good thank you for the messages and emails. we are now in melbourne australia with my cousin tracy, nigel and the kids taylah jake cooper and jasper they are just gorgeous and so much fun. there is never a dull moment in the bugeja household with four kids!! we have been taking it easy over the last few days. over the weekend we relaxed by there pool as the weather was great and then on sunday we went to feed all the parrots and rossellas at the park it was beautiful, better than pigeons and sparrows anyday!! the kids were well funny especially when one of the birds landed on jaspers head. taylah loved feeding them and she had loads land on her. we left some food for the birds in zoe's pram tray....but she ate it herself!! tris is a huge hit with the kids, they fight over who gets to sit next to him at the table and in the car!! he is now champion at piggy in the middle too.
i was finding it hard not being able to buy any new clothes and tris hated not being able to get any new DVD's so he is in heaven as nigel has got tons of dvds and tris gets to watch them in the cinema room ( on a huge projection screen!!)
last night we went to watch taylah play basket ball she is very good and i never realised that watching it would be so much fun. the mums from the other team were evil!!! they were so pushy and were shouting at there kids to smack the ball out of taylahs hands and push her team mates over. they didn't even clap when taylahs team scored. so we are definately going next week, and were going to shout loads louder. i couldn't believe it.
we've had quite a few dinner parties and a bbq here so far, i don't know how tracy does it. seen uncle alan paul, toni and zoe lots too they came over last night and we had a few games of cards. think dawn and john are coming over tonight and then tomorrow we are going into the city for the first time to try and get some work at a mushroom farm that it just down the road from tracys. ( need to register at a employment agency)
so i think I've brought you all up to date now we will try and put the photos up soon. we have taken lots of the kids for you mum and nan. we'll be sure to take a few thousand more!
speak to you all soon
love laura and tris ( tris is watching cartoons with the kids in the other room !!!)
ps....the weather is horrible!! raining like crazy and cold!! (its a good job tracy has heated seats in her car)
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