Contiki- islands hopping trip!
After my relaxing week on Koh Tao, I find myself once again at a ferry port saying goodby to the same GAdventures group as when I left Bangkok!
Today I am heading to Koh Sumai, the largest of the 3 islands on the east coast and also the most built up to join another tour group! I'm really sad to be saying good buy to Koh Toa as it's been so nice to chill out but I will be back in only 3 days! I arrived at the hotel late, so once again I missed the start of the tour briefing. When I walked in everyone was about to leave for dinner so I quickly changed and headed out with everyone else. We were staying in one of the nicest hotels on Koh Sumari and it's right on the main strip of bars and clubs!
This week I would be sharing a room with an Australian guy called Seb from Perth, it turned out he was also an engineer but on submarines! There were 32 other people on the tour which I think is way to many but we will see!
We had a nice dinner on the beach with a few cocktails to get to know people but I left and went back to the hotel after as I was so tired from all the partying and diving over the last few days!
The fist day in Koh sumuri was a relaxing one for me, I decided I didn't want to go on the optional extra tour of a trip around the island so I sat by the pool all day!
The next 3 days in went fast, we mainly just partied at night or sat in the pool during the day.
We arrived in Koh Toa, which was our second stop of the trip. The hotel we were staying in couldn't have been more opposite to where I had been staying a few days previously!
We had an amazing view right down the beach and over the small island at the end, our room had a balcony with 2 sofas and 2 sub loungers and even an outside fridge. Seb and I had the same thought- ROOM PARTY! That night after a Thai tapas style dinner 6 of us went back to the our room with a few bottles of booze and fireworks! The perfect combination to make any party go off with a "bang"!! The rest of the group drifted in over the night and at one point we had at least 16 people in our room! The tunes were on and the drinking games going down well!
I spent the next day feeling sorry for myself and sat at the beach with a girl from Bulgaria! The rest of the tour had gone on a snorkelling trip but I had done plenty of the the week before!
That night we had a group meal on the hotel roof top watching the sun go down with a cocktail before we headed out to another lady boy show and more drinks! We ended up at the fishbowl beach club that I had visited most nights the week before... It goes without saying that we were drunk and someone shouted let's go skinny dipping! Always funny when there's about 500 people watching...
Another day and another ferry ride over to Koh pangyan for my final island hopping party! We were staying at Shirley backpackers resort and once again it was really good accommodation, the rooms were basic but we were in wooden traditional Thai cabins, the hotel had a really good pool with a bar too!
The next 3 days we didn't do much apart from drink and party. One of the days was Anzac Day which is a Remembrance Day for the Australians and New Zealanders where they traditionally get really drunk and have BBQs so that's what we did, we swam, we ate and we played a lot of beer pong until 7pm when we had a fake full moon party where we covered ourselves in neon paint.
The bar had a "shot bell" which is basically a bell above the bar and anyone who intentionally or unintentionally hits the bell has to buy everyone a shot... The bell didn't stop getting rung. Jason by the end of the 3 days had brought about 400 shots which put him on the leader board!
Some of the guys decided to take out mopeds one morning and of course Jeff a really nice guy from Detroit in the USA dropped it and had to pay about £300 for just 2 panels to be changed! There was only about 5 scratches on it! Rip of Thailand!
The other funny story was that 4 of the people on the tour decided to get "#chang" tattooed on there bums and another guy who looked like Neil from the I betweeners who had #neil on the other cheek!!
I'm certainly looking forward to not having to drink every day!
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