After a full day of hiking to the lighthouse and back yesterday, we decided to chill out all day at the beach today! It was a nice, hot, sunny day. Sarah and i rode the waves in the sea several times!! It was so much fun!! The sea was really nice and warm. Luckily, we didn't get eaten by any sharks or stung by jelly fish!! As we were reading our books, around lunchtime, a man came onto the beach with a couple of buckets and a huge spade, and started to build a huge sculpture, which he did all the time until sunset! Photos of his work of art were very impressive. Before heading back we treated ourselves with an ice cream each. We then showered at the hostel and once again picked up our 20 kilo backpacks (!) to take to the bus stop. We then had a great evening on the 13 hour bus ride to Sydney!
Libby xxx
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