how come u dont reply to any of us u 2 pants thong pants and big pants u r just 2 bullys love ya claudia {clouds} {small pants}
i still miss u but love u from claudia{clouds} {small pants}
Having just read Bill Bryson`s version of Australia I would saying you are doing all right. I expected CC on the first plane home. Well done! Remember me to Gail. "I" was dancing at an Abba night on Thursday and I had not had a drink. Lovely to be in touch. Love and Hugs to both.
put some pictures up
Mummy B
natural for an orange
i am not orange i am tanned, very naturally, thers a big difference how very rude of you and now for saying that for all i care you can get swept away in the next tornado!! thank you very much
x x
Hi there, Daringdo and Tinlerbell. I am really jealous of your trip to Kangaroo Island, how wondeerful. Looking forward to pics and videos. Was so glad to see the blogs, can't help it, was anxious about you both! I am very used to doing this now though! Weather here foul, lots of slippy pavements and roads, that means big shoes which means trousers. Yuk!! I have watered the plants, David and am going to run the car today. I am no nearer being organised for Christmas than I was when I was working. Life seems hectic and still never boring. I have got to bath Clipper again this week so will be going to have another manic day with him. Heather suggested reducing the dose of tablet and give it a longer time to work so am going to try that. Was at wives party last night, got a party and Christmas dinner dance next week. Not got trimmings up yet. hopefully do that at the weekend. Glad you have managed to sort out a chain, David, bet you were drooling at the sight of shops. Carina. I was going to say you need lots of willpower to avoid spending too much, but you are walking around with 6ft of it by your side so I guess it won't happen!!! Lovely to get your news. Take good care of each other, Miss you lots. Please give each other a hug from me. Lots of love. Mum.xxxxx
Claudia { Clouds}
hiiiiiiii I miss uu. hope u comeback soon .so sad you've gone .LOVE UUUU LOVEE CLAUDIA {CLOUDS} {SMALL PANTS}
Hi Claudia, missing you too but not going to be back for a while but it will go very quick!!!
Love you lots and lots x x x x x x David and Carina
Mel Bath
Hey David (and Carina), your mum gave me your blog address so thought I'd stop by and have a nosey! Wow, sounds like you've had a pretty hairraising adventure so far lol! Many more of em that's what I say. Don't worry we'll look after your mum for you David, we won't lead her astray, honestly.
Can't wait for the next installment.
Mel xx
Hi Mel, Good to hear from you. The hair raising is set to get bigger and better if we have anything to do with it! Mum doesn't take much leading astray shes quite good at doing that on her own.
Love David and Carina x
Sarah Mck
hey, news letter came out today, guess who was bloody top in our team on everything even though your away.for november, you!!!!
Hey Sarah, good to hear from you!! Well what can I say Im just the best!!!!! So what news is there from the Xmas party?
hi smelly pants and tinkerbell.
what are you doing well i am so cold and wet today because i have had swimming and we were doing personal servival and to see how many lenghts we could do. and the fire alarm went off and it was raining.
i hope it's not to warm because it is certainly cold over here.
at home noe want to go to bed but i want some dinner first. i will come back on soon.
love ya loads and loads
emilia xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
have a good christmas and hope you love our pressie's
bye bye xxx
Hey puppy, hope you have now warmed up!! we are nice and warm most of the time!!!!
Are dinners are interesting at the moment having to cook in such a small space!! But working out ok!!
Missing you lots, love you xxxxxx
Sarah Mck
had our crimbo pary yesterday, shame you werent here, it was gud though.
sounds amazing the trip so far can`t wait to see some pic`s. take care x x x x