Hiya, Daringdo and Tinkerbell. At last, I have messages showing. hurrah, what a fabulous adventure already! We have watched the tornado programmes. now you will be able to tell me what it is really like. I envy you the sunshine but not the flies!!!! I am sure you are enjoying the freedom of the campervan, the ambitions are being accomplished fast and furious - with a few extra uncalled for adventures thrown in.We had snow here yesterday, needless to say our roads were in the usual chaotic state. Looking forward to hearing about your next stop. Take good care of yourselves, missing you but the food bill is a lot less!! Give each other a hug for me please/ Lotsaluv.xxxxxx Bigmama
Mummy B
just to let you all know they are ok and carina is moaning... about the heat and having no tan yet. sorry to say i didnt give her much sympathy
'...tan and...' even
haha, i have a tana dn you dont!!
x x
Mummy B
hi both of you . if your thinking of saying your home sick we are at 2 degrees and have had snow.hope your both ok and everything is goig to plan so far. tried ringing you back carina but no answer. where do you want me to send the stuff. will send it to gail if i dont here from you in the next few days tho i can send it to the hostel as they have agreed.love to you both.
Auntie Carole
Hope P. didn't disturb your kip. We hadn't seen Alicias message when he sent it. Hope you're going to get a rest before continuing with the BIG adventure. Not sure if you got my first message - sent via email instead of message board. You'll be pleased to hear Mum is going to see Cliff & Shadows in Oct 09. Tickets went on sale at 10am today. Thinking of you both with love & BIG hugs. Sleep well!! AC XX
At 6 o'clock this morning they had arrived and were in the campervan!!
Liam And Pam
Hello there Mr and Misses cook (captain cook and his monkey Carina) hope all is well. its so nice to not here moaning in double now just in one ear now, how was singapore did you have singspore noodles , yum yum they are nice, is freezing cold here and i hate it, and as for the last conversation we had NO BABYS yay liam is stoked with that means i have a glimer of a chance of a playstaion 3 now lol, Muff got up set when you went home bless her cotton socks, love you both and we want post cards the old school way never mind all this blog stuff lol 25 Kirkwood lane Cookridge Leeds LS16 7EN, enjoy x x x x x x x
Well you 2 non parents, always a good option at this early stage more time for ps3 and can you imagine being pregnant in a wedding dress!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh bless Muff getting upset when we went! We will attempt to send you a postcard the old fashioned way but just the 1!!!! Love to both of you xxxxx
Sorry for duplication. I was still learning. Love you
Hi, Hope all is well after iffy start. David talked to your mum for nearly an hour Fri. evening. Off in morning so will catch up Wed night. Hope you enjoy Alice Springs and Uluru. Adelaide is supposed to be a lovely city. Love to you both. Miss you already. G.Ma
Hi ya, Hope all is well after iffy start. Talked with your mum, David for nearly an hour Fri. Hope you enjoy all you see at Alice Springs and Uluru. Adelaide is supposed to be lovely. Miss you already. Love to both big hug too. G.ma
10.58 and they are in singapore, and send their love to all.