January 18th - 19th Surfers paradise
January 18th
Time to pack away the tent and move on again.We've got it down to a fine art now, so we were all packed up in about 30 minutes and took a taxi to the greyhound stop.More boshing people out of the way meant we were again able sit next to each other for the journey up to Surfers Paradise.
The journey went pretty quickly and the hostel was right next to the greyhound stop so we were checked in in no time.It was our first dorm of the trip but luckily we were sharing with two Greek girls who seemed ok and pretty much kept to themselves.We'd dumped our bags went off to explore Surfers.
Funnily enough there were quite a few surf shops about so I had did most of the window shopping this time not Laura. We even spotted Ladyhawke in the Quicksilver shop and later found out that she was in the area as she was playing at the Big Day Out festival. Wandered over to the beach and just generally took in the scenery.
January 19th
Today was a pretty active day by our standards.We started with a quick dip in the pool and then hired out some body boards and headed for the beach.Unfortunately there was a really strong rip tide and so the boarding wasn't very good.The waves were pretty big though so we had a good time splashing about for quite a while. We even managed to spot a puffer fish…..albeit was dead and washed up on the shore. Still we stood there for a good five minutes staring at it as you do.
Snoozed in the sun for a bit and then headed back to the hostel as we had booked ourselves a squash court. Hell yeah, never played the game before but we were feeling energetic and ready to take on everything. Luckily the rules were pinned up outside the court and we got the hang of it pretty quickly. After several games and several (almost violent) outbursts from Laura because she was loosing we called it quits and headed for the pool again. Due to our athletic prowess we rewarded ourselves with ice cream at Baskin Robbins and all was good!
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