Tim and Brennin left early in the morning to pick up our car. It took a number of trains, including a wrong train, to get to the dealership. After a brief introduction to the vehicle they were on their way. Tim was in his glory driving the narrow French streets. When they got home the rest of us were just waking up. After breakfast we walked over to the laundromat and caught up on some laundry. The weather was especially nice, and we decided to hang around our place. We were all ready for a chill-out day after all the busy city sight seeing. The extra space of the campground is very much appreciated. This campground has ping pong tables, a park, and walking trails next to the Seine. Darius was extra excited when he saw a wild hedgehog wobble by and then hurry under a trailer. We also have a family of ducks that make their rounds through the campground looking for treats.
So far we have been shopping at a small store nearby for our food, but with the car we went a bit further and found a super marche. It's a lot of fun picking from a new variety of groceries. I love their cereal with curls of real dark chocolate mmmm. The cheese, bread and wine selection is phenomenal.
After lunch we left for a walk to try out our compact fishing rod that we bought at Cabella's before leaving on this trip. It was quite the comedy session. First we had to select the right spot. Everyone had an opinion so it took a bit to choose one. Once at the spot some trouble with the fishing line started to unfold. There was more line out than in. Once the line was in place Tim went to cast and lost his footing; he slipped on the muddy bank and nearly took a swim! Next cast they caught a .... tree! That took a while to unhook. After catching a few trees and Darius by the seat of his pants, the fishermen (Brennin, Darius and Tim) decided that they needed weights on the line and possibly different bate.
We spent some time at a nearby park and met a lady originally from Toronto.
She misses Canada a lot. When I asked her what some of the major differences are between Canada and France, she said "everything" and appeared frustrated. Her little girl Juliet really took a liking to Mariah and reached up to be held.
After visiting for a while we made our way home. We hung our laundry out to dry, it reminded me of grandma. I grew up with laundry drying on the line and nothing compares to that fresh smell. I phoned her and visited for a while.
While I was on the phone, Tim was making friends with the neighbors. He went over to get an extra drying rack from them and we got invited over for some wine. They were a friendly couple from England. They told us a lot about their travels and places they like. They recommended eating out at a value restaurant called Flunch.
We had a late supper on the deck. Chicken, potatoes, beans, salad and French bread with cheese. Nothing like ending the day with good food and great company. Tim and the boys stayed out on the deck playing Prince of Persia together on the iPod, and the girls played in their room while I blogged.
Tomorrow's plan - the catacombs, Montmartre and Sacré Coeur, ending the day with a ride up the Eiffel Tower at 10:30 pm.
- comments
Deborah Wow! Again it sounds so far away and so exciting! Laura you brat try to text me again. Love you!
Trudy Finally back on line! How many Starreveld's does it take to catch a fish? Looks like a lot of fun. And you have nice weather to do it.