Today was a total disaster but highly amusing.
The day began with me setting off the alarms in the supermarket because my bag was too big to get through the barrier.
We then boarded the train heading for milano centeral, all was going well when i accidently set of my rape alarm which was not good. bvecause this train was delayed we missed our connection and had to wait for the next train to Brig. we sent the wonderful david to check the platform, he missread the the sign and we ended up on a train half way back to venice... well done mr church.
so we then arrived back in Milano centeral 3 hours behind schedule. We finally boarded the train to Speiz, aiming to arrive in Interlaken at midnight. All was going well we were enjoying our cereal which has become the staple food when the train broke down.... fabulous. to be fare the italian train man was very heplfull and arranged us a taxi which the company paid for directly to the hostel which is georgeous and typically swis.
dfinally in bed at 1.00 and slept like a log
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