I woke up early this morning to get ready for my day of touring Paris. I decided to go on the free tour similar to the one they offer in London. By free they mean, donation if you want at the end of the tour.
I was bothered all night long with our restaurant experience. It then hit me! The time was one hour ahead of London, England. No wonder the waitress was irrited with us. Lesson learned. Always check your time zone when arriving in a new city.
Our tour guide was great. She has been living here for about a year, and she seems to know her French history quite well.
It was hot today and walking around for several hours did not help.
Some sites we visited were:
Notre Dame
The Police Station
Pont Neuf
Champs Elysee
Arc de Triomph
The Eiffel Tower
And so much more...
The walking tour was very long, almost 4 hours in the burning sun. It was almost 30 today! I´m not complaining, just making a statement.
If that wasn't enough, we decided to walk to Sacre Coeur and Montmatre, another popular tourist destination. From the top of the mountain, where this unbelievable church resides, you can see a breathtaking view of the city. The crowds of people were not my favourite, but I can understand why locals and visitors alike would flock here.
We covered a lot of ground today. I'm beat! Bed time!
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