Today is another relaxing day. I went with my little cousins to Hyper U And bought a plant (a thyme type plant) for my aunt and some solar lights. She has about 100 lights outside that illuminate her front yard in a rainbow of colours. I thought I would add to her collection as a 'thank you'.
Last time I was here, I have my aunt a rosemary plant. I can't believe how much it has grown in under 3 years. I would love to have a rosemary bush like it a home. You'll see a picture attached. She also has turtles. I took a photo of one too.
I spent some time going through some old photo albums she had. I came across some pictures our family when we were kids and when we visited Calabria in 1980. I looked soooo funny. I took some pictures of them with my phone so I could send to my brothers and sisters. The funny thing is I do remember most of the photos. Can you believe I even remembered the dog's name from the photo? Gigi. I'm completely amazed what things out brains can retain. It's been over 30 yrs!! Wow!
I'll be going to my cousin's husband's 50th birthday party tonight. So I had to pick him up something small as well. We are going out to a restaurant to celebrate. They are anticipating about 20 people for a late night dinner. It should be interesting to say the least.
What is the name of this not-so-popular Canadian traffic intersection type used frequently in European cities to regulate traffic flow (stops traffic jams), minimize idling (for pollution) and saves energy (no traffic lights used).
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