Yesterday it rained allllllllllllllllllll day. They are anticipating rain again today. I was hoping to go to the supermarket and check things out.
My aunt and I talked and she told me stories of her youth. I understand a lot of the hardships she's had and can relate to some things. Her husband passed away at a young age and left her with 3 kids to raise, a mortgage to pay off and a full time job. One of her daughters lives with her and helps out enormously. We spoke about kids today and how all they don't really know what hardship is like. Focus on video games, cell phones and technology is a common thing nowadays and in some way desensitizing people. We chatted about wants versus necessity, the value of a dollar and how hard it is to earn that dollar.
She told me she went to school until she was in grade 4 as she had to help raise her little sisters and sell milk on their farm. School was not important back then but I'll tell you that she knew how to budget and make the most out of her situation even with the little education she's had. My mom was in the same predicament but only went to school until grade 2, raised 8 kids and had a full time job. We were lucky to have our dad around as I can't imagine how she would have done it alone.
I have always know how fortunate I've been in my life and am glad I've had some great experiences, including this one. I share there experiences and stories with my students, friends and family in hopes they gain something valuable from them. Be it a goal to travel the world, learn a new language or to learn more about their teacher, friend or brother. As much as I'd love to say this is a holiday and I'm having a great time, more importantly, I'm learning and growing as a person and professionally too!
One thing I've realized so far, is that the world we live in is not as big as we like to think it is and how we are all so much alike. I walk around the streets and I swear it's like walking around any other place I've been. The people here are no different. They smile, laugh, cry, hurt and see the same things we do. They just speak a different language. That's all. My eyes have been opened and I am realizing it's because I'm traveling alone. I'm seeing things I have not seen before. Deeper, more meaningful things. Not just physical. The rich history definitely doesn't hurt!
Enough heavy talk for one day. On a lighter note, we made home made tomato sauce and meatballs. It's interesting how she makes them and will definitely try it out at home. I'm sure dinner will be amazing.
I spoke with two of my cousins today too, both from Italy. I also called my aunt from Calabria. I can't tell you how relieved I was to hear them talk. They speak the dialect I grew up with so I didn't have the same anxiety as I did in Rome or Genova where I felt a little out of place at times. The plans are coming together for when I visit Calabria. That makes me much more at ease! Ahhhhh!
Les Arcs is located near this popular French city that hosts this famous movie festival. Name the city and festival.
- comments
Marco Sounds like a truly rewarding day that you won'tForget. Cheers!