Foz de Iguazu and Puerto Iguazu! In other words The Iguazu Waterfalls!
We visited both the Brazilian side (for a grand overview!) and the Argentinian side (up close and personal!) side of the waterfalls and both were incredible!!! We cannot put into words how amazing these falls are!
When we visited from Brazil the weather was perfect and the sun created all these rainbows over the falls, it was picture perfect! Although it rained the day we visited the Argentinian side it didnt spoil the day, you get so close to the waterfalls and soaking wet anyway that a little rain didnt really hurt! (we can talk positively about this now we´re in dry clothes anyway!)
Whilst in Argentina we took a boat trip under some of the waterfalls... queue more soaking wet situations, and walked over wooden platforms right at the edge of the main waterfall and looked right down into the "Devils Throat" - again amazing, amazing, amazing!!
During this time we also negoiated our first border crossing. Admittedly it is one of the easier borders to cross but nevertheless a hurdle all the same!
But unfortunately at the same time we have picked up a tummy bug (Sven the most), no doubt from the all you can eat BBQ and Caipriniha night at the last hostel we stayed in, and so when we arrived in Buenos Aires we checked into a double room at our hostel and crashed out for 2 days. Today is the first day we have felt ourselves again and so we ventured out for our first taste of Argentinian Tango and Vino... it was GOOD! More updates to come!
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