So, I said i wouldn't write another post until I'd left Sydney and had something interesting to talk about.
I had a great last few weeks in Sydney, Nikki had returned from NZ and Jordan was back for his birthday and the sun was shinning. Off we went to Coogee for some beach time, it was the warmest day we'd had so far in Sydney at 27 degrees so we got some beers and chilled out for the day.
The next day we went on a coastal walk from Spit Bridge to Manly, it was beautiful and we got to see some lizards and really lovely secluded beaches. At the end of a long walk in the sunshine it was decided that a good aussie BBQ was in order to end a really great weekend.
For my final week, i went for dinner with Hayley and Dave, Matt, Nikki, Colette and Anna and then the night before I left I got horrificly drunk in a German bar drinking litres of beer.
My last day was spent with Nikki and Matt who i can safely say will be friends for life, i've heard a few times since i've been away that a month in a backpackers life is like a year in the real world and it's true, you really don't expect to get so close to people that you've only known a few months but since being away from the security of Sydney I've realised just how much you rely on the group of friends you've made.
So, I caught the 10pm bus from Sydney and took the 12 hour journey to Byron bay where I spent 1 night but will be heading back next year to explore more. I met a Canadian girl in my room and we went to see the sights together and had dinner.
The next morning I was back on the bus to meet Rich in Noosa, we had one night in a hostel before we were leaving the comfort of a bed for a bush camp called Gagaju, I really didn't know what to expect as we had heard really mixed reviews and heard that there was no toilet or shower, which it turns out there were. I ended up really enjoying my time there and met some really cool people including 2 essex boys who we keep bumping into along the way. After a night of drinking games with far too much goon consumed we went off canoeing. There were 3 boats in our group, English - me, Rich and a Dr called Damien, an Irish boat and a European boat which consisted of 2 German girls and a French guy. Can you guess who won..........the English of course!!!
After Noosa we headed to Rainbow beach, it was a really small quiet town but I realy liked it there. We met some lovely Essex girls and a really sweet German man whos name Rich thought was Cloud and I thought was Clause, we decided that it was probably Claude. I loved our Hostel, it was called Pippies, stay there if you ever find yourself in Rainbow beach. Very chilled out and friendly, felt more like we were staying at someones house, there was a proper bathroom not just a block of showers and a sofa and TV!! Heaven!!
I also body boarded for the first time, it was so much fun! It took me a while to pick it up, a 9year old boy ended up teaching me how to do it, it's a little embarrasing being taught by a child.
Next we headed to Hervey bay to do our Fraser Island tour, I LOVED it! Had so much fun and had a really good group and tour guide. Fraser island is the biggest sand island in the world, so as you can imagine, it got everywhere, in places i didn't know I had! There really were no showers or toilets this time, so we washed in lakes and creeks and to go to the toilet, we had to dig a hole......I'll let you figure out the rest :-)
The night we got back, our group were all in the same unit so we got some beers and all you can eat pizza and played drinking gaems. One game we've played lots in Ring of Fire, which I will most deffinatly be bring home with me! For the unaware, there is a cup in the middle called kings cup and a pack of cards spread in a circle around it. Each number card is a different rule, one really good ruke was that if you picked up a 10 you had to sit under the table until the next person pulled a 10! This happened to Rich many times!
Once we finaly got to have hot showers i found that I had the biggest, greenest bruise on my bum from playing a game on the island, we had to hold a stick with both hands, hold it in the air and look up to the sky, then spin around 10 times, I got to 6 and fell over.
Before we got to Fraser there was a big bush fire, as we drove through the island we saw the extent of the damage, our tour guide said he had been doing tours for 10 years and never seen it like that, it was really sad to see, luckily no one was hurt, it was a controlled fire but the wind changed and the fire spread.
We are now in a little town called Agnes Water, it is the last place on the East coast that you can surf before you get to the barrier reef so me and Rich have booked a lesson for tomorrow morning, it will be my first time! It's ok here, very small town but there really isn't much to do. Tomorrow night we are getting back on the bus for an over night journey to Airlie beach, we're staying there for 3 nights then going on a sailing trip around the Whitsunday islands on a trimaran. I can't wait!!
It's very hot and humid in Queensland and getting more so the further up the coast we travel. My tan is coming along nicvely and i've still got another 6months here and the weather is only going to get better!!
Love Totts xxx
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