We arrived in Lima around 5.15pm and the most dissapointing evening of my life commenced. We went straight to the restaurant where we had arranged to meet Bryony and Catherine at 6pm. We arrived at 5.55pm and ordered a nice greasy burger in a rather expensive pub whilst we waited. After we had eaten our food, and drank our cocktail with no sign of the girls it was clear they were not turning up.
After we headed to the hostel to collect our bags, and we assumed also meet our friends. The hostel was empty though and here i discovered that my laundry had not been done (despite my repeated pleads) and thus i had no clean clothes whatsover to where. After an hour or so Cats turned up and then broke the news to us that we were no longer staying in the 5* hotel that we had booked previously because they were not convinced the 5 of us could smuggle our way into the room! This was a major blow seeing as this was all we were looking forward to whilst we were getting eaten alive by mosquitos and sweating!
Before long Niels and Bryony also turned up and we started on a bottle of rum as it was Bryony´s last night in South America. Before long though both girls Bryony and Catherine had their heads down the toilet but it didn´t stop the night. We went out to a few of the nearby bars before stumbling in during the early hours.
Next morning there was one less in our wolf pack to comfort ourselves we went into central Lima, and after a poor attempt at sight seeing ate lots of ice cream instead, which i managed to throw all over myself and the floor. After a lazy afternoon around town we returned to the hostel for food and the Peruvians girls came over for a bit. After Luke (a chef) cooked us an awesome steak and mash dinner. After we continued the lazy theme by chatting and watching movies for the evening.
Next morning after yet another lazy morning we caught the bus to Chorillo which is the next neighbourhood down from Barranco. Once there we found our way to the fish market, which was swarmed by huge pelicans. Having checked out the fishermen´s catch for the day we picked a cheap restaurant and tucked into cerviche and fried fish. After we strolled back to Barranco and then caught a taxi into town to meet the Peruvian girls for some Karaoke at 6pm, stone cold sobre! Definitely, a clash of cultures as they do things a little differently here and love Karaoke, and it turns out that everyone in the place is also amazing.
After 3 hours of trying to dodge the microphone (not always successfully) we do what all adults do and went to the park to drink a bottle of rum! After we caught a taxi back to Barranco, where the girls headed home and we continued to the beach front to finish the bottle. After we ran out of alcohol we returned to the hostel where the bar was still open for one more beer before bed.
Next day we had another slow start (shock horror). We finally made ourway out into sunlight where we went for lunch. Then we bough a film with the intention of watching it later and chilled in the hostel again! We never watched the film but instead i managed to buy some more memory for my camera so at least the day was productive. That evening was Nials last night so we went to Miraflores for food and then for a drink after. We got a taxi back to Barranco and headed to a club with live music but we were all shattered and trying to force the night out, so before long we headed back.
Next day we did nothing in the morning, true to form and then went for a menu of the day lunch for 2pd. In the afternoon i met up with Evan again who had returned to Lima to catch his flight home. We went to a market in the afternoon so Nials could be some South American souvenirs and then went to a coffee shop for a while. I also managed to get all my clothes sewn up as i was starting to look like a tramp with holes in the crotch of all my trousers and shorts but one pair. This meant the day could be classed as productive, so that evening we went out to the casino.
It was my first time in a proper casino and the promise of free food and drink sounded good. However, having half heartedly played black jack for 3 hours and ordered 6 beers without receiving a single one, i left slightly deflated, even though i was 20 dollars up! After we headed to an expensive club in town, and after all blowing our winnings on one drink decided it was too pricey and went elsewhere. I wasn`t feeling too good though and had to force myself to party on at times - which like a trooper i just about managed!
Next morning i felt slightly better but was in a pretty bad way still which limited me in the things i could do as close proximity to a loo was essential. We did stray into town for some tacos though, but the day was not spent doing much. In the evening we all went to Antonella and Vania's house to watch the worst movie i think i have ever seen.
The next day was also spent in Lima, i was now back to full health so we gandered into town where we checked out a weekend food market which was awesome and had about 15 different meals to chose from for lunch. With full bellies we strolled through China town and had tacos for dinner again back in Barranco. We went out that night again in Barranco, but apart from Luke and I longarming a pint in a club it wasn't that eventful!
Today we finally managed to leave Lima. We traditionally did nothing for most of the day and just about managed to escape for tacos. The day itself was just spent hanging out in the hostel though with the Swedes and Cat before we parted. In the evening the Peruvian family came over to say their goodbyes and we caught the night bus to Trujillo.
I had a great time in Lima, where i originally only intended to stay for 3 days, despite not achieving much during my stay there!
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