I arrived in Medellin around 9.30pm and having got some cash from the ATM tucked into some dinner at the bus station. From here I took a taxi to the Black Sheep Hostel where I had stayed before. I was pleased to see Lina, Tim, Malie, Laura and Jack from my previous escapades which meant there was a small crowd to share my last night with.
Unfortunately, just about every single one of us was struck with a severe case of kindness so despite having a few beers and trying to make an evening out of it we all rather had a flat one and chatted the night away before turning in for a much needed sleep.
In the morning I was up early and said my goodbyes to everyone before meeting Diana once more who had flown into town. Diana and I visited the Plaza Explora with its large array of aquariums to ensure that I had difinitively had my fill of South American aquatic animals and I think it is fair to say that I enjoyed it more than Diana.
In the afternoon we went on a trip around town trying to find the best stalls and place for me to by souvenirs. We seemed to be offered everything under the sun and explored posh shops and street vendors before deciding enough was enough and satisfying our hunger. Soon after we headed back to the hostel where I packed my now ridiculously big and heavy bag for the last time and both caught a taxi to the airport in the evening.
I said my goodbyes at the airport and despite arriving 2 hours before my flight ended up being late getting to my boarding gate. Fortunately, due to the queues and extensive customs control it turned out almost every other passenger was also late getting to the gate so the plane was still there waiting for us all to leave.
Before I knew it I was aboard and already into a film on the 10 hour flight I had overnight to Madrid. Once we arrived in Madrid I had a 5 hour wait in the departures lounge, where I somehow managed to lose my hat before boarding my plane 45 minutes late and bound for Bristol.
2 hours later, at around 11.30pm British time I had landed, collected my 25kg bag and greeted at the airport doors by Mum, Dad and Hannah. It was great to see them after such a long time away. We nattered away for the half hour journey back to Chipping Sodbury where I wasted little time in taking a shower and enjoying a ruddy good cup of tea to try and ease me back into life back home.
All in all I had a fantastic 7 months in South America and consider myself very lucky to have visited so many incredible places and to have made so many amazing friends. I will take many memories, and of course one or two stories with me after such an awesome trip.
To the places of, people of, and people travelling around South America, thank you for such an amazing trip... Now which way is it to the pub.
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